zigya tab

Why has the mother been compared to the late winter’s moon?

The late winter’s moon is calm and hazy with a dim lustre. It loses its vitality and power. So the poetess compares her mother’s calm, colourless and withered face like the late winter’s moon. She has become weak, wan and ‘pale due to her age of sixty-six. She has lost her vitality.



What kind of pain and ache that the poetess feels?

The poetess feels pain on seeing the pale and corpse like face of her mother. There appears her old familiar pain of childhood in her heart. She realises that her mother’s face has become like the withered moon of the winter season. She feels that time and age spare none and both are inevitable.


Why are the young trees described as sprinting?

The poetess is in a car on her way home to the Cochin airport. She looks outside and feels the young trees seem to be walking past them. With the car they seem to be sprinting or racing. The poetess gives a comparison and contrast of her dozing mother with those of young trees running and full of life.


Why has the poet brought in the image of the merry children spilling out of their homes? 

The poetess talks of various stages of life. On one side there are merry children play and enjoy in the sun. They represent life, vigour, continuity, power, action and carefree life. On the other there is her aged mother. The continuity in the activities of life as well as spontaneous flow of life has been depicted by the merry children spilling out of their homes.


What do the parting words of the poet and her smile signify?

After the airport’s security check, watching her mother standing a few yards away, she spoke, “See you soon “Amma.” These words signify some sort of hope. It shows some promise as well as expectation that she would see her mother again. She might find her alive. So she scatters a smile on her face to pay her mother her lasting tribute. On the other hand she is troubled at heart to leave her mother alone.

