Who is referred to as ‘the artist’ in ‘Bholi’ ? Why?

Bholi’s school teacher is the artist in the story, who with her kindness, caring support and encouragement raises Bholi's self-esteem and fills her with confidence. Bholi is her teacher's masterpiece because she transformed her entirely and educated her in true sense of terms. 


How can you say Ramlal love Bholi? Give a reasoned answer on the basis of the story ‘Bholi’.

Ramlal had been as loving, caring and attentive to Bholi as towards his other children. He was more worried about her. He was reluctant to send her to school out of concern. He also raised objections to Bishamber’s proposal. He was happy to see her great wedding. When he saw that his daughter's happiness is at stake, he immediately got ready to pay such a huge amount as dowry. Hence, it can be said that Ramlal loved his daughter Bholi.



Give a character sketch of Bholi in brief.

Bholi was a simple, but sensitive girl. Unfortunately, she suffered from a head injury and small pox. It made her suffer all through her life. She couldn't speak till she was five. She stammered when she started speaking. The attack of smallpox had permanently disfigured her whole body leaving black pock marks.  She was a hard working and dedicated learner. With her teacher’s support, she grew to be confident, bold and independent. Seeing her teacher's faith in her abilities, she made efforts to improve herself. Her confident and bold attitude to raise her voice against a social evil proved that she was educated in true sense of terms. 



What kind of a mother do you think Ramlal’s wife was?

Ramlal’s wife was a typical village woman. She was biased towards her good looking, better children. She did not care about Bholi. She had no affection for her own daughter. She advised Ramlal to send Bholi to school because she thought that her other daughter's won't get married if they go to school. She was ready to marry her off to anyone. 


Who was Bishamber? What did he do?

Bishamber was an old, lame and a rich man who had grown up children. He was mean, greedy and selfish. He was an opportunist who tried to take advantage of Bholi’s weaknesses by demanding five thousand rupees as dowry. He thought that Bholi's father, Ramlal would fulfill his demand at such a ripe time to save his family from being dishonoured.

