Distinguish between Tropical Grasslands and Mid-latitude Grasslands.

Tropical Grasslands

Mid-latitude Grasslands

1. These grasslands occur in the interiors of continents in the tropical zone.

2. These grasses are long grasses, about two metres in height.

3. Major regions are the equatorial regions in Africa, parts of Brazilian plateau, Deccan plateau and northern Australia.

4. These grasslands are known as Savanna in Africa and Pampas in Brazil.

1. These grasslands occur in the interiors of continents in the middle latitudinal zone.

2. These grasses are short grasses.

3. Major regions are Russia, interiors of United States and Canada, South African plateau, coastal plains of Argentina and Uruguay in South America and Murray-Darling basin in Australia.

4. These are known as steppes in Eurasia, Prairies in North America and Pampas in South America.


What are two major types of eco-systems of the earth ?

There are two types of eco-system of the earth :
1. Terrestrial eco-systems
2.  Aquatic eco-systems

Write the difference between Tropical Deciduous Forests and Mid-latitude Deciduous Forests.

Tropical Deciduous Forests

Mid-latitude Deciduous Forests

1. These forests occur in sub-tropical regions with a distinct dry season.

2. Trees shed their leaves in the dry season.

3. They are found in the regions of Western Europe, North-Eastern China, Japan, North-Eastern U.S.A, Southern China and New Zealand.

1. These forests occur in the coastal regions of cool climates.

2. Trees shed their leaves in winter season.

3. They are found in the monsoon regions of Asia, parts of central America, Brazil and northern Australia.



Mention the difference between Desert-type vegetation and Tundra-type vegetation.

Desert-type Vegetation

Tundra-type Vegetation

1. This vegetation is found in dry regions having low rainfall.

2. This vegetation is found in tropical desert areas like north Africa.

3. Cacti, thorny bushes and coarse grasses are the examples of desert-type vegetation.

1. This vegetation is found in snow covered areas.

2. This vegetation is found around North Pole in Eurasia and North America.

3. Mosses, lichens and wild flowering shrubs are the examples of tundra-type vegetation.


Distinguish between Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems.

Terrestrial Ecosystem : Natural ecological groups of plants and animals extend over large areas. Each of major terrestrial ecosystem or terrestrial areas with their group of plants and associated animals, have different type of biomes including tropical rainforests, savanna, mediterranean, deciduous, grasslands, deserts, taiga and tundra.

Aquatic Ecosystem : There are many kinds of aquatic ecosystems that differ widely with regard to abiotic factors. The aquatic ecosystems range from open ocean to small temporary puddles, have conditions of salinity, depth and fluctuations of temperature.

