
How can velocity of a wave be determined ?

The velocity of a wave can be determined as follows :

velocity of a wave

Every wave has a wave length, velocity, height and wave period. The distance between two successive crests or two successive troughs is called wave length. The time taken by a wave length to pass a fixed point is known as the wave period. The vertical distances between a trough and crest is the wave height.

Motion of Waves

Motion of Waves



What is flow or flood? 

The time between the low tide and high tide, when the tide is rising, is called the flow or flood.


Name the factors that control the origin of the ocean currents.

The factors that control the origin of the ocean currents are :

1. Permanent winds or prevailing winds, 2. Variation in temperature, 3. The rotation of the earth, 4. Variation in salinity, 5. The direction of land masses.

The prevailing winds such as trade winds (westerlies) exert one way drag on sea surfaces over vast expanses of oceans. This drag produces a system of drift system.

Difference in density can also set currents in motion and these are described as thermocline currents.


Discuss the characteristics of ocean currents.

Characteristics of ocean currents:

i. Currents are referred to by their “drift”. Usually, the currents are strongest near the surface and may attain speeds over five knots.

ii. At depths, currents are generally slow with speeds less than 0.5 knots.

iii. A current is usually strongest at the surface and decreases in strength (speed) with depth. Most currents have speeds less than or equal to 5 knots.

Describe spring tides.

Spring tides:

i. The position of both the sun and the moon in relation to the earth has direct bearing on tide height.

ii. When the sun, the moon and the earth are in a straight line, the height of the tide will be higher.

iii. These are called spring tides and they occur twice a month, one on full moon period and another during new moon period.
