
Explain how human beings interact with their physical environment with the help of technology.

Human beings interact with their physical environment with the help of technology:

(i)Technology indicates the level of cultural development of society. Human beings were able to develop technology after they developed better understanding of natural laws.

(ii)For example, the understanding of concepts of friction and heat helped us discover fire. Similarly, understanding of the secrets of DNA and genetics enabled us to conquer many diseases. We use the laws of aerodynamics to develop faster planes.

(iii)In the early stages of their interaction with their natural environment humans were greatly influenced by it. They adapted to the dictates of Nature. This is so because the level of technology was very low and the stage of human social development was also primitive.


What is environmental-determinism?

The interaction between primitive human society and strong forces of nature was termed as environmental determinism.

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What was Ellen C Semple defination of human geography?

According to Ellen C. Semple, “Human geography is the study of “the changing relationship between the unresting man and the unstable earth.”


Differentiate between Welfare school of thought and Behaviourial school of thought.

The difference:

(i)Welfare or humanistic school of thought in human geography was mainly concerned with the different aspects of social well-being of the people. These included aspects such as housing, health and education. 

(ii)Behavioural school of thought laid great emphasis on lived experience and also on the perception of space by social categories based on ethnicity, race and religion, etc.

Mention any three core concerns of geography as a discipline.

The core concerns of geography are mentioned below:

(i)Changing relationship between the unresting man and unstable earth.

(ii)The man is active and unresting.

(iii)It is emphasized on determinism.
