How did the grandmother appear like the ‘winter landscape in the mountains’?

The grandmother always wore spotless white clothes. Her locks of hair also looked silver white. Her spotless white dress and silver white hair made her look like snowy mountains in winter. Actually, she appeared to be an expanse of spotless whiteness. She had a divine beauty.


How were the grandmother and the narrator good and intimate friends?

Actually, both of them were like good and intimate friends. They spent most of the time together. She woke him up early in the morning and got him ready for school. She gave him a breakfast of stale bread with a little butter and sugar spread on it. She accompanied him to his school.



Why did she accompany the narrator to his school ? What did she do there?

The grandmother accompanied her grandson to his school. She was so closely attached to her young grandson that she spent most of her time with him. Actually, the school was attached to a temple. She sat inside the temple reading scriptures. They came back home when the school was over.



How could the grandmother be ‘beautiful’ without being ‘pretty’?

The grandmother never appeared to be pretty. She was never an attractive woman physically. But she had a divine beauty in her. Her noble qualities gave her a spiritual beauty. So she could be ‘beautiful’ without being ‘pretty.’


Explain : ‘Old, so terribly old that she could not have grown older any more.

The grandmother looked extremely old. She was fat and slightly bent. Her face was a criss-cross of wrinkles. She couldn’t have grown older any more. She looked the same terribly old lady for the last twenty years. The narrator had never seen her being young or pretty. She always looked ‘terribly old’.

