What are the common types of disabilities?

Types of disabilities:

  1. Physical disability
  2. Intellectual disability
  3. Cognitive Disability

What do you understand by Disability?

Disability is the condition in which an individual is not able to perform normal human life activities due to any disadvantage.


Explain the advantages of physical activities for children with special needs.

Advantages of physical activities

  1. Physical improvement:
    1. Improvement in concentration.
    2. Improvement in flexibility
    3. Improvement in strength
    4. Improvement in endurance
    5. Improvement in cardiovascular efficiency
    6. Decrease the Risk of obesity
    7. Better overall fitness.
    8. Improvement in Motor ability
    9. Minimize joint swelling
  2. Mental improvement
    1. Improvement in mood
    2. Improvement in wellness
    3. Improvement the working of nervous system.
    4. Brain release endophins that help to feel good and
    5. ease from depression anxiety.
  3. Improved the sense of self esteem
    1. feeling of greater self efficiency
  4. Sociological Gains
    1. New Experiences
    2. New friendship
    3. feel of independence
    4. countering of stigmatization
  5. Good Health
  6. Enhance Productivity and Improve the working efficiency.


Explain the strategies to make physical activities accessible for children with special needs?

  1. Pre Activity medical check-up: To know about the disability, medical aid must be available for that disability at the time of exercise.
  2. Previous experience: Previous experience of participation in the physical activities should be considered at the time of selection of sports activities.
  3. Interest: Selected physical activities can be accessible if it is according to the interest of the person having a disability.
  4. Capability: The selected physical activities must be according to the capability of the person with a disability.
  5. Modified equipment: As per the capability of the person with disability equipment must be modified so they can be used easily.
  6. Suitable Environment: At the time of play environment must be pleasant. All kinds of facilities must be available such as proper lightening, proper ground, proper marking etc.
  7. Variety of Instruction: Instruction used during the exercise must be according to the nature of disability for example for the person with hearing impairment visual instructions should be used.
  8. Modified Rules: Rules of the sports for the exercises must be modified according to the capability of the person with a disability.
  9. Simple to complex: When preparing the activity schedule for a person with disability principle of simple to complex must be followed in starting we should take easy exercise then we should progressively increase
    the degree of blood.
  10. Involvement of various body parts: Inactivity plan for a person with a disability the selection of activities should be in such a way that involvement of maximum body parts is done.
  11. Extra care: Extra care should be taken to avoid any accident during the exercise.

What do you understand by disability Etiquettes? Explain in detail.

  1. Disability etiquettes are those guidelines which should be followed when dealing with the disabled person. These are following.
  2. A term used: We should not use the term as handicapped, mentally challenged, physically challenged & disabled person for any disable a human being rather should be called as “person with a disability” or “DIVYANG”.
  3. Companion: Never talk to person with disability through a companion.
  4. Shake hand: When deals with person with disability always offer him to shake hand first.
  5. Assistance: If assistance is offered to the person with a disability then wait until the offer is accepted.
  6. Adult: Always treat Adult as an adult.
  7. Address: Address the people who have a disability by their first name only as an address to other.
  8. Identify Your self and other person who are with you when interact with any person with a disability or Divyang.
  9. Patronize: Never patronize the person on the wheelchair by patting him on the shoulder or back.
  10. Lean: Never lean on the wheelchair.
