What are synapses?

Synapses: The junction points between the two neuron are called synapses. It is the junction between the axon of one neuron and the dendrite of next neuron . At the synapse, the axon and the dendrite do not touch each other, there is a small gap between the two. The message passes from one neuron on to other neuron through synapse by a chemical (neurotransmitter).



What is the basic unit of the nervous system? Name its types. Explain how it works.

The basic unit of the nervous system is neuron (nerve cell). There are three types of neuron. (i) The sensory neuron (ii) The motor neuron and (iii) The multipolar neuron.

The basic unit of the nervous system is neuron (nerve cell). There ar
Fig. Nerve cell—(A) Motor neuron (B) Sensory neuron (C) Multipolar neuron

Working of neurons: The sensory neurons are connected to the sensory receptors. From sensory receptors through dendrites of the sensory neuron, this sensation is converted into nerve impulse (electric signal). This electric impulse from dendrites travel through axon. The signal or message passes from one sensory neuron to the other through synaptic junctions and eventually reaches the nerve centre (brain or spinal cord). The response of the brain or spinal cord is transmitted through a motor neuron to the muscles of the organ. These muscles react accordingly.


Illustrate the pathway of a reflex action (sneezing). Details not required.

Reflex action: The responses (actions) which are immediate and do not need processing by the brain are called Reflex actions. In other words, reflex action is an involuntary action performed by a muscle, a gland or an organ under the direction of spinal cord in response to the stimulus.
Pathway of reflex action (sneezing)

Reflex action: The responses (actions) which are immediate and do not


What is the structure of neuron?

Cells of nervous tissues are called neurons. Each neuron cell consists of a irregular cell body. From the surface of cell body fine processes arise called dendrites. A long process called axon also arise from the cell body. Sometimes axon is covered by one or two sheath. Then it is called medullated nerve fibre.
The dendrites receive the message or impulses from other neuron or organs. The axon conducts the impulses. The axon also form synapse junction with the dendrites of other neurons.

Cells of nervous tissues are called neurons. Each neuron cell consist
Fig. Nerve cell with medullated nerve fibre


What is a reflex action?

An action (response) which is immediate (spontaneous) and which does not need processing by the brain is called reflex action.
