How do poriferan animals differ from coelentrate?



1. There are pores called ostia all over the body and a large opening at the top.

2. There canal system for circulating water throughout the body.

3. External skeleton is present.

4. The body design show minimal differentiation.

5. Tentacles are absent.

1. There is only one opening.

2. There is no water canal system in the body.

3. Skeleton is absent.

4. They show more body design differentiation.

5. Tentacles are present.



What are the advantages of classifying organisms?

Classification is advantageous in the following way:

(i) Classification makes the study of huge varieties of organisms easy.

(ii)  It helps us to understand the interrelationship among different groups of organisms.

(iii) It helps in the specific identification of any given organism.

(iv) The study of a few representatives from each distinct group helps us to integrate the idea of life as a whole.

(v) It reveals the relationships among various groups of organisms.

(vi) It provides information about plants and animals, which occur in specific geographical regions.

(vii) It indicates the evolutionary relationship by establishing the gradually increasing complexity of form and structure in different groups of organisms.




Which organisms are called primitive and how are they different from the so-called advanced organisms?

The organisms which have ancient body design that that have not changed much over the course of time, are known as primitive or lower organism.

Advanced organisms are those who have accumulated changes and acquired their particular body designs relatively recently.

The difference between the two are : 

1. Primitive organisms have simpler body design where as advanced or younger organisms have complex body design.

2. Primitive or lower organism have not changed much whereas the advanced organisms are those who have acquired their particular body designs relatively recently and possess changes.



What are the differences between amphibians and reptiles?

 These are differences between amphibians and reptiles:



1. Animals of this group can live both on land and in water.

2. They lack scales on the body.

3. Their eggs do not have tough covering.

4. They lay their eggs in water.

5. Water is necessary for fertilisation.

1. Animals can live either on land or in water.

2. They have scales.

3. Their eggs have tough covering.

4. They do not need to lay their eggs in water.

5. Water is not required for fertilisation.


What are the major divisions in the plantae? What is the basis for these divisions?

Major divisions in kingdom plantae are—

(i) Thallophyta
(ii) Bryophyta
(iii) Pteridophyta
(iv) Gymnosperms
(v) Angiosperms.

Basis for classification plantae division :

1. Whether the plant body has well differentiated, distinct components is the basis for the first level of classification. 

2. Whether the differentiated plant body has special tissues for the transport of water and other substances within it forms the basis for the second level of classification.

3. Whether the plants bear the seeds forms the next level of classification.

4. Whether the seeds are enclosed within fruits.


