zigya tab

A Mendelian experiment consisted of breeding tall pea plants bearing violet flowers with short pea plants bearing white flowers. The progeny all bore violet flowers, but almost half of them were short. This suggests that the genetic make-up of the tall parent can be depicted as:
(a) TTWW
(b) TTww
(c) TtWW
 (d) TtWw

(c) TtWW
It is a case of test cross and it shows a genotypic ratio of 1:1 thus it should be heterozygous for Tallness.

TtWW (tall, violet) X ttww (short, white)





TtWw (tall, violet)

ttWw (short, violet)

Genotypic ratio: TtWw : ttWw = 1:1
Phenotypic ratio: Tall, Violet : Short, Violet = 1:1



Why are human beings who look so different from each other in terms of size, colour and looks said to belong to the same species?

The genetic makeup of humans may be slightly different in different races of people, but there is no reproductive isolation. Reproductive isolation differentiates one species from the other. Human beings different in size, colour and looks can marry among themselves and produce fertile offspring and thus they are considered to belong to the same species.

In evolutionary terms, can we say which among bacteria, spiders, fish and chimpanzees have a ‘better’ body design? Why or why not?

There is no real progress in the idea of evolution. In terms of evolution, evolution causes generation of diversity and the . Due to evolution more and more complThat does not mean older and simpler body designs are inefficient and complex body designs like spiders, fish and chimpanzee have better body design. For example, bacteria are oldest and have simpler body design still survive. They are found in the most inhospitable habitats like hot springs, deep sea, the ice in Antarctica. So, bacteria, spiders, fish and chimpanzees are simply species in the teeming spectrum of evolving life. Thus, all the organisms which exist have a body design which is “better” as it is suited to their environment.


In evolutionary terms, we have more in common with
  • a Chinese school-boy
  • a chimpanzee
  • a spider
  • a bacterium


a Chinese school-boy

a Chinese school boy as he is also of the same species (Homo sapiens) as we are.



An example of homologous organs is
  • our arm and a dog’s fore-leg
  • our teeth and an elephant’s tusks
  • potato and runners of grass 
  • all of the above


all of the aboveall of the above. Because all the pairs are similar in structure, and origin.
