zigya tab
What is geothermal energy?

The interior or deeper regions of earth’s crust are very hot. The temperature is so high that even rocks melt. If this heat is utilised as a source of energy, it is called geothermal energy.

What are the limitations of the energy that can be obtained from the oceans?

Energy from the oceans can be tapped in three different ways,

(i) Tidal energy.
(ii) Wave energy.
(iii) Ocean thermal energy.

(i) Tidal energy: Dams are constructed across the narrow openings in the sea and, the tidal energy can be harnessed using these methods. Such sites are limited and the electricity generated is not high enough to be commercially viable.

(ii) Wave energy:Kinetic energy of the air movement causes winf energy.
Such sites in the world are limited where the waves strike the shorelines with sufficient power.

(iii) Thermal energy: To convert ocean thermal energy into electricity, it is necessary that a difference of more than 20°C temperature between the surface waters and water at depths of 1000 metres is required. This process is not economical. 

How has the traditional use of wind and water energy been modified for our convenience?

Traditional wind energy and water energy has been modified for our convenience using the modern technology.

Water energy
Large number of high rise dams are constructed on the suitable river spots to obstruct the flow of water and collect water in large reservoirs, which can be used for producing electricity. When the water falls from a height, kinetic energy of the flowing water is converted into potential energy. Then, water from the dam is carried through pipes to the turbine at the bottom of the dam. This converts the potential energy of water into electrical energy.

Wind energy: Windmill farms are constructed at places where wind flows for greater part of the year at a speed greater than 15 km/h. The kinetic energy of the wind is converted into rotatory motion of windmill using huge blades. Then the rotatory motion of the windmill is used to turn the turbine of electric generator. Thus, electricity is generated. 



What are the advantages of nuclear energy?

The fission of an atom of uranium produces 10 million times the energy as produced by combustion of an atom of carbon from coal. Thus a large amount of energy can be tapped from nuclear fission.
Many developed countries are already meeting more than 30% of their electrical power needs using nuclear reactors. 

What kind of mirror — concave, convex or plane - would be best suited for use in a solar cooker? Why?

A plane mirror is used because it reflects all the light falling on it to the desired place. 
