zigya tab

A doctor/nurse/health-worker is exposed to more sick people than others in the community. Find out how she/he avoids getting sick herself.

A doctor/nurse/health-work can avoid getting sick by following these habit -:

(i) Wearing a mask  to cover mouth and nose to avoid infection when in contact with or near a diseased person.

(ii) Using gloves to avoid direct contact with wounds infections and disesed people.       

(iii) Drinking safe water and eating healthy and nutritious food to keep the immune sustem strong.

(iv)  Maintaining personal hygiene  i.e., personal cleanliness, washing hand with dettol/savlon etc. after handling equipment, clothes etc. of patients. 

(v)  Keep the surroundings clean.  





Why are we normally advised to take bland and nourshing food when we are sick?

Infectious disease show a lack of success of the immune system of the body. It adversely affects are metabolism too. For the proper  functioning of immune system our body needs sufficient nourishment and easily digestable food is necessary for a sick person. Bland food is full of nourishment but devoid of spices which can be heavy to digest and thus are easily digestable and provide our body the much needed nourishment to boost the immune system. 


What are the immunisation programme available at the nearest health centre in your locality? Which of these diseases are the major health problems in your area?

Immunisation programmes available at the nearest healthcare centre in the locality are : 

(i) Vaccination against small pox.

(ii) BCG vaccination against tuberculosis.

(iii) Polio drops against polio disease.

(iv) Vaccination against chicken pox.

(v) Vaccination against Hepatites.

(vi) DPT vaccination against diptheria, pertusis (Whooping Cough) and tetanus.

(vii) Immunisation against measles.

The major health problems are:

(i) Hepatitis (ii) Chicken pox (iii) Tuberculosis (iv) Tetanus.



How many times did you fall ill in the last one year? What were the illnesses?

(a) Think of one change you could make in your habits in order to avoid any of/most of the above illnesses.

(b) Think of one change you would wish for in your surroundings in order to avoid any of/most of the above

Last one year i felt sick three times. The illness were -typhoid, dysentry, viral fever.

(a) One change in habit that would avoid the illness is drinking safe and pure filtered/boiled water and avoid eating uncovered food. 

(b) One change in surroundings to avoid diseases is that there should be no accumulation of garbage and stagnant water in the surroundings.



Conduct A survey in your neighbourhood to find out what the three most common diseases are. Suggest three steps that could be taken by your local authorities to bring down the incidence of these diseases.

The three most ommon diseases in the neighbourhood are dysentry, malaria, viral fever.

The three preventive measures that could be taken by the local authorities are 

1. Keeping the area clean i.e., removal of garbage from the streets/ houses and storage in a covered place till it is disposed off. Proper  sanitation and cleaning of drains and proper disposal of sewer water.

2. Cleaning and removal of stagnant water and breeding places of mosquitoes like ditches with stagnant water. Pouring of oil over the stagnant water to kill the larvae of mosquitoes. Spraying of chemicals/smoke in neighbourhood to kill mosquitoes.

3. Ensure supply of safe drinking water. Regular cleaning of the water supply resources. 


