Mention the contribution of iron and foreign trade in the growth of African civilisation.

The contribution: 

1. Iron led to the progress of agriculture in Africa.

2. It helped in making weapons. It helped in extending the empire.

3. About 2000 years ago, the Africans learnt to extract to smelt and make iron implements. East Africa was very famous for its iron ore mines.

4. The traders brought it to India. The Indians made
swords with it.

5. By exporting iron Africans got gold.

6. Iron helped them in ship building. This led to the development of trade and transport.

Why is Ghana called the Land of Gold ?

Ghana is situated in the north-west of upper course of the Niger river. In the 8th century, Ghana captured and controlled some areas of gold deposits lying to its south.

As gold became the most important item of Ghana's trade it began to be called the land of gold. Due to gold Ghana became very powerful and prosperous.



Give an account of the kingdom of Kongo and its political system. 

Kongo Kingdom:

(i) Administration: The administration was quite efficient and highly centralised. The king was given divine honour. He was elected from some aristocratic family. The king was assisted by assemblies who had vast powers. The king did not have absolute power. Kingship was not hereditary.

(ii) The institution of Slaves: Though slavery was practised yet slaves were not a commodity. They lived like members of the masters' household. They could own personal property. They could change their masters.

The Political System : Many states had emerged near the river Kongo in ancient times. These states had united themselves into a large kingdom known as the Kingdom of Kongo.

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Describe the role of foreign trade in the Growth of civilisation. 

The role of foreign trade: 

1. A New Culture: The foreign traders brought many factors with them. These factors mingled with the Sudanic, Hermetic and Arab elements. Thus a new culture having its own distinct entry developed there.

2. Influence on Coastal Region: The foreign traders influenced the people of coastal regions of East Africa.

3. Influence on Art: The influence of foreign trade introduced many patterns of construction of forts, mosques and tombs.

4. Influence on Language: The language ‘Swahili’ was the intermixture of Bantu and Arabic languages.

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What do you know about the agriculture of the Inca civilisation?  

The basis of the Inca civilisation was agriculture. To cope with the infertile soil conditions, they terraced hillsides and developed systems of drainage and irrigation. It has been recently pointed out that in 1500, cultivation in the Andean highlands was much greater than what it is today. The Incas grew corn and potatoes and reared llamas for food and labour.

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