Describe Trade Unions.

After the advent of the Industrial Revolution, the condition of the workers, who worked the factories, who work in the factories became miserable. As the Government failed to help them, they themselves organised into Trade Unions.

So, the Trade Unions were the associations of the workers which came into existence for the treatment of the workers.

Mention the aims of the Trade Unions.

The aims of the Trade Unions are: 

1. To fight the injustice and malpractices of the industrialists.

2. To fight for regulating the hours of work for the workers and labourers.

3. To fight for the higher wages for workers.

4. To demand the better service facilities and working conditions.

5. Trade Unions were formed for maintaining the harmonious relations between the employers and the employees.


“Industrialisation gave birth to Imperialism.” Describe. 

The industrialisation mainly needs two things:

1. A constant supply of raw material.

2. The consumption of the finished goods at a fast speed.

So, to meet both the needs, the Industrial countries started the search of new countries where industrialisation had not yet reached. As a result of Britain, France, Germany, Japan etc. set-up their colonies in Asia, Africa and South America.

These colonies served them both the purposes i.e. being suppliers of cheap raw materials and easy markets for their finished goods. Hence, it is correct that industrialisation gave birth to imperialism.



The Industrial Revolution was the beginning of a Machine Age. Justify.

The Industrial Revolution began in England in the later half of the 18th century. Many machines such as the air pump, printing press, spinning wheel and the plough were in use prior to the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. But the machines began to replace men and animals in the production of goods and commodities soon after the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.

The new inventions not only proved effective but also developed so speedily that they changed the thinking and ways of living of the people all over the world. Hence it is aptly said that Industrial Revolution marked the beginning of the Machine Age.


Describe the effects of Industrialisation on Transport. 

The effects are: 

1. Macadamized Roads: Pucka Roads were constructed for the rapid and safe carriage of raw material and the manufactured goods from the place of production to the place of sale.

2. Canals: The canals were dug and used for shipment of coals from mines to factories. They were also used for carrying goods and passengers.

3. Railway Lines: The steam-engines were used in Railways to carry heavy roads and a large number of passengers.

4. Use of Steam Ships: Steamships were used to carry the goods across the oceans.

The growth of transport promoted the import and export of goods and the capitalists made huge profits. It made the country rich.

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