Describe the conditions which prevailed in industrial cities and factories as the Industrial Revolution spread. 

Conditions of cities and factories: Due to Industrial Revolution many cities were set-up. The number of landless workers increased. The number of unstable workers also increased.

1. Working hours: Each worker had to work for 15 to 18 hours in the factory. He had no rest during this period of work.

2. Fewer wages: The workers were given low wages. The mill owners exploited the workers.

3. Cruelty by Overseers: The overseers were very cruel. They often beat the workers with lashes.

4. Unsuitable place of work: The places of work were dirty. They were not properly ventilated and there was no proper arrangement of light also. There was no provision for the safety of workers.

5. The poor condition of towns: The condition of Industrial towns was very poor. Their houses were bad. Their roofs leaked in rainy season. There was no proper ventilation. No stress was laid on the health and education of workers or their children.


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How did the Industrial Revolution in England affect India's Economy? Describe. 

The Industrial Revolution in England became the chief cause of India's poverty. As India was a colony of England it hit the Indian Economy adversely. The constant drain on India's economy by the ways of the purchase of raw material at very cheap rates and through the heavy import of British goods.

Due to the Industrial Revolution in England India's economy was affected in the following way:

1. The Industrial Devolution enabled England to produce more goods than needed there. So the Indian markets were flooded by the machines made goods from England. As a result of this, India which was at one time an exporting country was reduced to a big consumer of the English goods.

2. The Industrial Revolution in England threw the Indian artisans and handicrafts men out of job. As a result, Indian small scale household workshops became useless.

3. The British Government forced the Indian farmers to sell their raw material at cheap rates to the British factory owners. This policy of exploiting the Indian economy for the benefit of the British capitalist was the direct consequence of the Industrial Revolution on India's economy.

4. The unemployed artisans again became the farm labourers and over burdened the Indian agriculture. In this way, within very short time, India became a poor country where agriculture was the only occupation of the people.

5. Before the advent of the Industrial Revolution, India was a major producer of cotton, woollen and silken cloth. But now she suffered a severe set back in these industries. As the British machine-made cloth was cheaper than the Indian cloth.

6. The Indian goods could not compete with the British machines made goods as the British Government in India imposed heavy duties on the Indian goods and discouraged the Indian craftsmen in many other ways so that they could never think of competing with the British goods.

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The Indsutrial Revolution was a Mixed Blessing. Examine and elucidate the statement.
How does Industrialization help in raising the Level of the Standard of Living ?

In the above given statement it has rightly been said that Industrial Revolution was a mixed blessing as it had both the dark and as well as the bright side.

1. The Bright side on the Industrial Revolution :

(i) The industrialization has made it possible for the mankind to meet the primary necessities of life i.e. food, cloth and shelter.

(ii) The machines have relieved man of the tiring and unpleasent job and have brought more leisure. This spare time has been utilized for the promotion of arts and culture.

(iii) Large scale production of several kinds of goods has brought many articles of comforts and luxury within the easy reach of even a common man who could otherwise not even think of them.

(iv) Developments in the means of transport and communication have developed trade and thus brought all the countries of the world nearer to one another.

(v) The invention of the new types of machines has made man's life quite easy and comfortable. These have brought new jobs and added the pleasure of human life.

2. Dark side of the Industrial Revolution :

(i) As result of the Industrial Revolution the cities become overcrowed by the labourers and workers arising the problems of insanitation and housing.

(ii) The workers' life became quite miserable. They had to live in slums around the factories where they fell a prey to different diseases and epidemics.

(iii) The conditions inside the factories were worse. There, the smoke, noise and poisonous gases affected the workers' health physically and mentally.

(iv) The factory owners employed the women and children in their factories as their labour proved cheaper. As a result of hard work and inhuman treatment they suffered of bad health.

(v) The Industrial Revolution divided the whole society into two conflicting classes i.e. the capitalists and the workers who do not have faith upon each other even today.

(vi) The Industrial Revolution gave birth to Imperialism and Colonialism.

The Industrial Revolution had many advantages and disadvantages too for the humanity. Thus we can say that was a mixed blessings

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State the important features of the factory system. What were its immediate effects on the conditions of workers?

Important features of the Factory System are stated below:

(i) Capitalism: The foremost feature of the factory system was this that capitalism appeared with full force. The inventions of machines increased production. The increased production compelled the manufacturers to find markets for their surplus goods for their margin of profits. This resulted in amassing of wealth in a few hands.

(ii) Colonialism: The factory system led the Europeans to explore new countries to import the raw materials for feeding the machine and consume their finished goods to earn the profit. Thus factory system gave rise to colonialism.

Effects on the Conditions of Workers: The workers or workmen had to work in factories which were poorly ventilated, poorly lighted and were extremely unhealthy. They had to work for 16 hours a day without any break.

Most of the factories were located in the dirty and unhealthy place so they caused many diseases to the worker. The workers were very low paid and it was difficult for them to make their both ends meet.

3. Explain factors responsible for the Industrial Revolution in England. Bring out its social and economical consequences.
Describe the major consequences of Industrial Revolution in Europe.

I. The factors responsible for Industrial Revolution in England :

(i) Capital : The British traders had been trading in foreign countries for a long time. So, they had the sufficient capital for the establishment of the industries.

(ii) Natural resources : England had plenty of natural resources like iron and coal which are essential for the industries.

(iii) Control over colonies : British had established a large number of new colonies from where she could get the cheap raw material and they could also serve as markets to sell the finished goods.

(iv) Shipping industry : England had developed a large shipping industry which solved the problems of transporting the things to far away countries.

(v) Agrarian revolution : Due to this many agriculturists went out of job. Such people supplied the cheap labour to the factories.

(vi) The initiative of the English People : The English people were quite enterprising, energetic and hard working. So, they made inventions of new machines and started the industries.

II. Social and Economic consequences of the Industrial Revolution :

(i) Promotion of arts and culture : The Industrial Revolution brought more leisure to man. This spare time was utilized for the promotion of arts and culture in the society.

(ii) The division of society : As a result of the Industrial Revolution the society was divided into two distinct classes-the capitalist and the labourers. The rich become more rich and poor became more poor.

(iii) Insanitary condition in the towns : As a large number of people shifted from villages to industrial towns and as such the towns became over crowded. There was no arrangement for proper houses, sanitation, ventilation, drainage, etc. In short the workers lived in the miserable conditions.

(iv) Unsatisfactory condition of the Factory Workers : The workers had to work in factories which were poorly ventilated, poorly lighted and were extremely unhealthy.

(v) Exploitation of Women and Children : Women and children were employed in large number of the factories, as they were cheaper and easy to manage.

III. Economic Consequences :

(i) Increase in the National Income : The industrial production led to the production of goods on a large scale which began to be sold in other countries. It increased the national wealth of the Industrialized countries, particularly that of England.

(ii) Growth of Agriculture : Introduction of machinery, better seeds, new crops, the use of fertilizers, etc. led to the growth in agriculture. Now the farmers started producing the cash crops on a large scale and became rich.

(iii) Improvement in the Standard of Living : Due to Industrial Revolution people became rich. Good quality of goods were now available at cheaper rates. New means of transport and communication i.e. Automobiles, Railways, Ships, Telegraphs and Telephones etc. made man's life richer, comfortable and happier. It raised the standard of living of the people.

(iv) Increase in Population : The Industrial Revolution increased the national wealth, raised the standard of living. Thus made life more convenient and luxurious. The new inventions helped in checking the various diseases and ultimately led to an increase in population.

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