What kind of life did Mr. Lamb lead?

Mr. Lamb leads a happy, lonely and cheerful life in a big house. His garden is full of flowers, fruits and weeds. He is an old man with a tin leg. He has no companion except the garden and its dwellers. His doors are always open for the outside world. He sits in the sun and reads the books. He feels happy on listening to the sweet music of birds, bees and insects. He has become a worldly wise man by reading the books.


How does Mr. Lamb react on seeing Derry in his garden?

Mr. Lamb sees Derry entering the garden by climbing over a wall. Mr. Lamb immediately questions his arrival. Derry replies that he has entered thinking it a lonely place. He has no desire to steal but Mr. Lamb tries to comfort him. He asks him not to afraid of any thing. His gate is always open for all. He requests him in collecting the crab apples.


Who is Mr. Lamb? How does Derry get into his garden?

Mr. Lamb is an old man. He lives in a big house with and has a big garden of his own. His doors are always open and every one is welcomed there. He spends most of his time in reading books or sitting in his garden. While serving in the army his own leg was blown off in a bomb explosion. Now he has a tin leg. Mr. Lamb has reconciled himself with his physical impairment. Children call him ‘Lamey Lamb’ but he is not at all disturbed. His attitude towards life is positive.

Derry is a boy of fourteen year. He has an ugly face and it has been burnt by acid. People hate him. Derry gets into his garden not to steal or pick up apples. He enters in it there because he likes the place and thinks it to be empty. He enters the garden by climbing over the garden wall though the gate is always open. 



Do you think all this will change Derry's attitude towards Mr. Lamb?

Derry has developed a negative attitude towards life. He has got inferiority complex in his mind. He thinks people despise and hate him on account of his ugly face. So he wants seclusion. Even his parents are worried about Derry. He has got dejected and disappointed from life. In the beginning he thinks that Mr. Lamb is like other people of the world. But to his utter perplexion, he finds him a different man on the earth. By coming in contact with Mr. Lamb, there comes a sea-change in the view point of Derry. He infuses in him zeal and the way to understand the world. He helps in creating self-confidence to overcome his physical ugliness. He motivates him to think positively on life, people and things. In the end Derry promises to return though his mother compels him not to go there. Derry is deeply shocked on seeing Mr. Lamb killed. He weeps bitterly and says ‘I have come’. He realises him only friend from the world. Thus, Mr. Lamb removes all his negativity from the mind of Derry.



How does Derry draw towards Mr. Lamb?


What qualities of Mr. Lamb attracted Darry to him?

Mr. Lamb is an old man with a tin leg. Kids in the streets tease and make fun of him by saying ‘Lamey Lamb’ but he does not mind. He lives in a big house with a lively garden. Considering it an empty place, Derry enters there. He tells that he just wants a secluded place. They enter into a long conversation. Mr. Lamb creates hope in his dejected life. For him flowers and weeds are growing living plants. Derry finds in him a real friend.

