Answer the following in 30-40 words each:
What forced Dr. Sadao to be impatient and irritable with his patient?                                                 

The distress of his wife at the sight of the operation and his inability to go to her at once forced Dr. Sadao to be impatient and irritable with his patient who lay like a dead under his knife.



After giving first aid to the soldier, why did Dr. Sadao and Hana want to throw him back into the sea?

After giving first aid to the enemy soldier, Dr. Sadao and his wife Hana wanted to throw him back into the sea. It was because the enemy’s presence in the house would lead to them death penalty. They would be called traitors. It was illegal to save and shelter an enemy in the house.



When a messenger came for Dr. Sadao, why did Hana become frightened?

It was the afternoon and Hana was busy in her chores. Suddenly, she saw a messenger in the official uniform at the doorstep. Her hands became weak and she could not draw her breath. She thought that the servants must have told the secret about the soldier. She saw to Sadao gasping. The messenger too followed her.


In what condition did Dr. Sadao find the American soldier at the seashore?

The American soldier was thrown out of the waves by the waves. He staggered a few steps till he fell on his fours. After crawling a few steps, he fell unconscious. Dr. Sadao found him wounded and unconscious. He found that the soldier had a gunshot wound on the right side of his lower back and it had reopened when the young soldier had hit against rocks. The soldier was bleeding profusely.


Did Hana think the Japanese tortured their prisoners of war? Why?

Yes, she thought that the Japanese tortured their prisoners of war as she saw deep red scars on the neck of the wounded American soldier while washing him. The scars right under the ears spoke of the extreme torture afflicted upon the prisoners of war.

