Among the human ancestors the brain size was more that 1000 CC in

  • Homo neander-thalensis

  • Homo erectus

  • Ramapithecus

  • Ramapithecus


Homo neander-thalensis

The cranial capacity of Homo neanderthalensis was about 1450 CC, roughly equal to that of Modern Man. 


The concept of chemical evolution is based on

  • cyrstallization of chemicals

  • interaction of water, air and clay under intense heat

  • effect of solar radiation on chemicals

  • effect of solar radiation on chemicals


effect of solar radiation on chemicals

The concept of chemical evolution is based on possible origin of life by combination of chemicals under suitable environmental conditions.


One of the important consequences of geographical isolation is

  • no change in the isolated fauna

  • preventing speciation

  • speciation through reproductive isolation

  • speciation through reproductive isolation


speciation through reproductive isolation

Speciation is the formation of new species and the development of species diversity occurs when gene flow within the common pool is interrupted by an isolating mechanism. The isolation can occur through geographical separation of population, known as allopatric speciation.


About 98 percent of the mass of every living organism is composed of just six elements including carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and

  • phosphorus and sulphur

  • sulphur and magnesium

  • magnesium and sodium

  • magnesium and sodium


phosphorus and sulphur

About 98% of the mass of every living organisms including bacterium and human beings is composed of just six elements i.e., Carbon (C), Hydrogen (H), Nitrogen (N), Oxygen (O), Phosphorus (P) and Sulphur (S).



Industrial melanism as observed in peppered moth proves that

  • The true black melanic forms arise by a recurring random mutation.

  • The melanic form of the moth has no selective advantage over lighter form in industrial area

  • The lighter-form moth has no selective advantage either in polluted industrial area or non-polluted area

  • The lighter-form moth has no selective advantage either in polluted industrial area or non-polluted area


The true black melanic forms arise by a recurring random mutation.

Industrial melanism is a term used to describe the evolutionary process in which darker individuals come to predominate over lighter individuals since the industrial revolution as a result of natural selection. In 1848 a black form of the moth was recorded in Manchester and by 1895,  98% of the peppered moth population in Manchester was black. This black "melanic" form arose by a recurring random mutation, but its phenotypic appearance had a strong selective advantage in industrial areas. 

