When a mass is rotating in a plane about a fixed point, its angu

ABC is an equilateral triangle with O as its centre F1, F2 and F3 represent three forces acting on the sides AB, BC and AC respectively. If the total torque about O zero then the magnitude of F3 is

  • F1 +F2

  • F1 - F2

  • F1 +F2/2

  • F1 +F2/2


F1 +F2

If we take clockwise torque


When a string is divided into three segments of length l1, l2, and l3 the fundamental frequencies of these three segments are v1, v2, and v3 respectively. The original fundamental frequency (v) of the string is

  • square root of straight v space equals space square root of v subscript 1 end root plus square root of v subscript 2 end root plus square root of v subscript 3 end root
  • v = v1 +v2 +v3

  • 1 over straight v space equals space 1 over v subscript 1 space plus 1 over v subscript 2 plus 1 over v subscript 3
  • 1 over straight v space equals space 1 over v subscript 1 space plus 1 over v subscript 2 plus 1 over v subscript 3


1 over straight v space equals space 1 over v subscript 1 space plus 1 over v subscript 2 plus 1 over v subscript 3

The fundamental frequency of string


The moment of inertia of a uniform circular disc is maximum about an axis perpendicular to the disc and passing through

  • B

  • C

  • D

  • D



Moment of inertia of circular disc = 1/2mR2
Thus, as the distance between the centre and the point increases, a moment of inertia increases.


Two persons of masses 55 kg and 65 kg respectively. are at the opposite ends of the boat. The length of the boat is 3.0 m and weigh 100 kg. The 55 kg man walks to the 65 kg man and sits with him. If the boat is in still water the centre of mass of the system shifts by

  • 3.0 m

  • 2.3 m

  • zero

  • zero



Here on the entire system net external force on the system is zero hence centre of mass remains unchanged. 



When a mass is rotating in a plane about a fixed point, its angular momentum is directed along

  • a line perpendicular to the plane of rotation

  • the line making an angle of 45o to the plane of rotation

  • the radius

  • the radius


a line perpendicular to the plane of rotation

We knows  L = m (r x v)
So, here, angular momentum is directed along a line perpendicular to the plane of rotation.

