As shown in Fig.7.40, the two sides of a step ladder BA and CA a
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As shown in Fig.7.40, the two sides of a step ladder BA and CA are 1.6 m long and hinged at A. A rope DE, 0.5 m is tied half way up. A weight 40 kg is suspended from a point F, 1.2 m from B along the ladder BA. Assuming the floor to be frictionless and neglecting the weight of the ladder, find the tension in the rope and forces exerted by the floor on the ladder. (Take = 9.8 m/s2)

(Hint: Consider the equilibrium of each side of the ladder separately.)

The given question is illustrated in the figure below: 

NB = Force exerted on the ladder by the floor point B 

NC = Force exerted on the ladder by the floor point C 

= Tension in the rope 

BA = CA = 1.6 m 

DE = 0. 5 m 

BF = 1.2 m 

Mass of the weight, m = 40 kg 

Draw a perpendicular from A on the floor BC. This intersects DE at mid-point H. 

ΔABI and ΔAIC are similar triangles. 

∴       BI = IC 

Hence, I is the mid-point of BC. 

DE || BC 

 BC = 2 × DE = 1 m 

AF = BA – BF = 0.4 m                          … (i) 

D is the mid-point of AB.  

Hence, we can write, 

AD =  × BA  =  0.8 m                    ...(ii) 

Using equations (i) and (ii), we get

FE = 0.4 m 

Hence, F is the mid-point of AD. 

FG||DH and F is the mid-point of AD.

Hence, G will also be the mid-point of AH. 

ΔAFG and ΔADH are similar 



AH = (AD2 - DH2)1/2 

     = (0.82 - 0.252)1/2 

     =  0.76 m

For translational equilibrium of the ladder, the upward force should be equal to the downward force. 

Nc + N = mg  = 392                      … (iii) 

For rotational equilibrium of the ladder, the net moment about A is 

-NB × BI + mg × FG + NC × CI + T × AG - T × AG  =  0 

-NB × 0.5 + 40 × 9.8 × 0.125 + NC × 0.5  =  0 

(NC - NB) × 0.5 = 49 

NC - NB = 98                                      ...(iv) 

Adding equations (iii) and (iv), we get

NC = 245 N 

NB = 147 N 

For rotational equilibrium of the side AB, consider the moment about A, 

              -NB × BI + mg × FG + T × AG  =  0 

-245 × 0.5 + 40 X 9.8 × 0.125 + T × 0.76  =  0  

∴                                                    T = 96.7 N.

T is the required tension in the rope. 


A solid cylinder rolls up an inclined plane of angle of inclination 30°. At the bottom of the inclined plane the centre of mass of the cylinder has a speed of 5 m/s. 

(a) How far will the cylinder go up the plane? 

(b) How long will it take to return to the bottom?

Initial velocity of the solid cylinder, v = 5 m/s 

Angle of inclination, θ = 30° 

Let the cylinder go up the plane upto a height h

Using the relation,

If s is the distance up the inclined plane, then as

      sin θ = 

          s =  


Therefore, time taken to return to the bottom of the inclined plane,  


1.53 sec is required for the balloon to return to the bottom. 


A man stands on a rotating platform, with his arms stretched horizontally holding a 5 kg weight in each hand. The angular speed of the platform is 30 revolutions per minute. The man then brings his arms close to his body with the distance of each weight from the axis changing from 90cm to 20cm. The moment of inertia of the man together with the platform may be taken to be constant and equal to 7.6 kg m2

(a) What is his new angular speed? (Neglect friction.) 

(b) Is kinetic energy conserved in the process? If not, from where does the change come about?


Moment of inertia of the man-platform system = 7.6 kg m2

Moment of inertia when the man stretches his hands to a distance of 90 cm,

2 × m r= 2 × 5 × (0.9)

            = 8.1 kg m

Initial moment of inertia of the system, Ii = 7.6 + 8.1

                                                               = 15.7 kg m

Angular speed, ωi = 300 rev/min 

Angular momentum, Li = Iiωi  =  15.7 × 30                         ...(i) 

Moment of inertia when the man folds his hands to a distance of 20 cm

2 × mr= 2 × 5 (0.2)2 

           = 0.4 kg m

Final moment of inertia, If = 7.6 + 0.4 = 8 kg m2  

Final angular speed = ω

Final angular momentum, Lf = Ifωf = 0.79 ωf                   .... (ii) 

From the conservation of angular momentum, we have

                       Iiωi  =  Ifω


ωf = 

 Kinetic energy is not conserved in the given process. But, the kinetic energy increases as there is a decrease in the moment of inertia. 

The additional kinetic energy comes from the work done by the man to fold his hands toward himself.

Two discs of moments of inertia I1 and I2 about their respective axes (normal to the disc and passing through the centre), and rotating with angular speeds ω1 and ω2 are brought into contact face to face with their axes of rotation coincident. (a) What is the angular speed of the two-disc system? (b) Show that the kinetic energy of the combined system is less than the sum of the initial kinetic energies of the two discs. How do you account for this loss in energy? Take ω1 ≠ ω2.

(a) Moment of inertia of disc I= I

Angular speed of disc I = ω

Moment of inertia of disc II = I

Angular speed of disc II = ω

Angular momentum of disc I, L1 = I1ω

Angular momentum of disc II, L2 = I2ω

Total initial angular momentum Li = I1ω1 + I2ω

When the two discs are joined together, their moments of inertia get added up. 

Moment of inertia of the system of two discs, I = I1 + I

Let ω be the angular speed of the system. 

Total final angular momentum, LT = (I1 + I2ω 

Using the law of conservation of angular momentum, we have

               Li = L

I1ω1 + I2ω2 = (I1 + I2)ω 

∴              ω =

(b) Kinetic energy of disc I, E1 =  I1ω1
Kinetic energy of disc II, E2=  I2ω2
Total initial kinetic energy, Ei =I1ω12 + I2ω22

When the discs are joined, their moments of inertia get added up. 

Moment of inertia of the system, I = I1 + I

Angular speed of the system = ω 

Final kinetic energy is given by,

E= I1 + I2) ω2

          =  ( I1 + I2 


∴  Ei - Ef 
Solving the equation, we get 


All the quantities on RHS are positive 


Ei - Ef > 0 

i.e.,       Ei > E

When the two discs come in contact with each other, there is a frictional force between the two. Hence there would be a loss of Kinetic Energy.

A bullet of mass 10 g and speed 500 m/s is fired into a door and gets embedded exactly at the centre of the door. The door is 1.0 m wide and weighs 12 kg. It is hinged at one end and rotates about a vertical axis practically without friction. Find the angular speed of the door just after the bullet embeds into it.

(Hint: The moment of inertia of the door about the vertical axis at one end is ML2/3.)


Mass of the bullet, 
m = 10 g = 10 × 10–3 kg 

Velocity of the bullet, v = 500 m/s 

Thickness of the door, L = 1 m 

Radius of the door, r = m / 2 

Mass of the door, M = 12 kg 

Angular momentum imparted by the bullet on the door, 

    α = mvr 

      = (10 × 10-3 ) × (500) × 

      =  2.5 kg m
2 s-1                                   ...(i) 

Moment of inertia of the door is given by, 


This is the required angular speed of the door just after the bullet embeds into it. 

