Discuss how kidney transplantation occurs.

Kidney transplantation is the transfer of a healthy kidney from one person into the body of a person who has little or no kidney function. A functioning kidney is used in transplantation from a donor, preferably a close relative, to minimise its chances of rejection by the immune system of the host. 

First kidney transplant was performed by a Washington Surgeon, Dr. Charles Hufnagel. In India, first transplant was performed on a 35 yrs old Shaninughan at CMC, Vellore on December 1, 1971.



What is a kidney stone ?

A kidney stone is formed by the precipitation of uric acid or oxalate.

Symptoms :

1. It blocks the kidney tubule.

2. It may pass into the ureter or urinary bladder and may grow, and cause severe pain or blockage.

3. When, the stone is in bladder, the patient experiences frequent and painful urination and may pass blood in urine.




Different parts of a nephron participate in different ways in the formation of urine.

Different parts of a nephron participate in different ways in the formation of urine

i. Ultrafiltration occurs in Bowman's capsule.

ii. In proximal convoluted tubule, glucose and amino acids are absorbed. 25% of Na
+ is absorbed in distal convoluted tubule.

iii. Absorption of water occurs in Loop of Henle.

iv. Collecting tube also secretes uric acid.

What is the function of osmoreceptors ?

Osmoreceptors in the body are activated by changes in blood volume, body fluid volume and ionic concentration. 

These are present in hypothalamus. These send impulses to posterior lobe of pituitary gland to secrete ADH. The ADH (Anti diuretic hormone) increases the permeability of cells of distal convoluted part and collecting tube to absorb more water and produce hypertonic urine.

Explain why :
Mammals are ureotelic, but birds are obliged to be uricotelic.

Mammals normally get required amount of water. Urea present in water can be stored in the urinary bladder that does not disturb the metabolism of the body. Birds are uricotelic as water is not easily available in excess. Urinary bladder is absent in birds and ureters open into cloaca also absorbs water. The body of bird must be kept light for the flight mechanism thus the presence of water will be disadvantageous for them. Thus they are uricotelic as uric acid is concentrated while urea needs more amount of water to dissolve, 
