What opinion did the grandmother form of the English school in t

What opinion did the grandmother form of the English school in the city?

The grandmother didn’t like the English school in the city. It was totally different from the village school that was attached to the temple. She was sad and disturbed. They didn’t teach anything about God and the scriptures at the new school. Nor was she interested in science. She hated music lessons given in the new school.



What did the priest teach at the village school?

The priest taught the alphabet and the morning prayer at the village school. He made the students stand in rows on either side. They would sing the alphabet and the morning prayer in a chorus.


What was the turning point of their friendship?

The narrator’s parents sent for them in the city. It was the turning point of their friendship. The city life and the English school made all the difference. She didn’t accompany him to his school. Nor could she help him in his studies. She didn’t like the new English school either. They saw less of each other now. 


Describe the grandmother’s feeding of the village dogs.

When they would walk back home together, the village dogs met them at the temple door. They followed them. The grandmother would throw chapattis to them. The dogs would growl and fight with each other for the crumbs.


Draw a comparison between the village school and the English school in the city.

The village school was quite simple and small. It was attached to a temple. The priest himself acted as the teacher. He taught the alphabet and the morning prayer at the school. In comparison, the English school in the city provided a contrast. They gave instructions in English and taught modern science and music. They didn’t teach anything about God and the scriptures at the English school. 

