zigya tab

How do you distinguish between information gathering and insight formation?

Education is not confined to mere information gathering. Information only keeps us well informed about things. Albert Einstein’s views about education only confirm that information gathering has its limitations. The History teacher asks when the Prussians defeated the French at Waterloo. Actually, he is seeking an information. It can be easily gathered from any good book on history. Einstein thinks that learning of days, dates and figures have no meaning or importance. What is important are the ideas. Ideas are the basis of education. So, insight formation must be the aim of education. Schools shouldn’t overburden students with the heaps of data collection. It is not important how many soldiers are killed and when they are killed. It is important to learn why soldiers try to kill others in war.

The real growth and development of the mind is more important than mere information gathering. Depth comes from the basics and not from facts and figures. Ideas are the essence of real education. Without the basics and ideas, education will be reduced to mere dead formalities and information gathering.



What do you understand of Einstein’s nature from his conversations with his history teacher, his mathematics teacher and the head teacher?

Albert Einstein was not at all satisfied with the school education in Germany. It was completely outdated and unproductive. The History teacher considered that education was nothing more than learning dates and years of events. For Einstein education meant ideas. He didn’t see any point in learning dates. One could look up the dates in books.

Albert’s Mathematics teacher was different from other teachers. He had a very good opinion about Einstein. He was very cooperative and helpful. He willingly gave Albert the reference that he needed. This encounter revealed Albert’s character too. He showed his modesty by praising Mr Koch. He told Mr Koch that he enjoyed his class. Einstein didn’t like his school nor his teachers.

Einstein’s worst encounter was with the head teacher. He told Einstein to leave the school of his own accord. Albert didn’t take the insult lying down. He asked what crime he had committed. The head teacher replied that he had become a nuisance for others. Albert was very angry. He wanted to tell the head teacher what he thought of him and the school. But he kept quiet. He showed his contempt by not closing the door as was asked by the head teacher. Nor did he have even the last look at his school.


The school system often curbs individual talents. Discuss.

It is quite true that the school education often curbs individual talents. Most of the time it is unproductive and outdated. Education must bring out the best from within. Education received within the four walls may not be the real education. Actually it has been seen that schools interfere with the free growth and development of children. They don’t provide proper atmosphere for their proper growth. Too many restrictions and dead formalities kill the natural growth in children. Too much of discipline also proves quite unproductive. It kills the creative instinct in children.

What children need is freedom. Without freedom no physical or mental growth is possible. Drive and dynamism mustn’t be curbed. School education should not be heavy, dull and cumbersome. Entertainment and education must go together. Education is not just facts, figures and dates. Ideas must dominate our education. Only then our schools will produce geniuses like Einstein.

