Who tapped on the windows? What did Aram see when he looked out of the window?

Aram’s cousin Mourad tapped on the window. He was sitting on a beautiful white horse. He invited Aram to ride. Aram couldn’t believe what he saw. He felt as if he were dreaming. He couldn’t understand how a poor boy like Mourad could own such a horse. Perhaps he had stolen it. The narrator even hated to imagine such a thing.


Why did Aram refuse to believe that his cousin Mourad could even steal a horse?

Aram and his cousin Mourad belonged to the Garoghlanian family. They were famous for their honesty and integrity. Mourad was a very poor boy. Buying a horse was out of question for him. He could only steal such a horse. But Aram refused to believe that Mourad could ever do such a thing. No member of the Garoghlanian family could ever be a thief.


Describe the Garoghlanian family. Why and what were the members of the family proud of?

The Garoghlanian family was living in the most amazing poverty. Even they found it difficult to buy food for themselves. For the last eleven centuries they were famous for their integrity and honesty. They were proud of their honesty. None of them would take advantage of anybody in the world. Stealing was unimaginable to them.

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Why couldn’t the narrator believe that his cousin Mourad couldn’t have bought the horse?

One morning the narrator saw his cousin Mourad sitting on a beautiful horse. He was highly amazed. Like him Mourad also belonged to the Garoghlanian family. The family was living in the most amazing poverty. They found it difficult even to buy food for themselves. A member of such a family could not buy such a beautiful and costly horse.

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Why did Aram conclude that Mourad had stolen the horse?

Aram knew that he and his cousin Mourad belonged to a tribe that was poverty-stricken. He couldn’t have bought such a beautiful horse. It was certain that he had stolen the horse. It was hard to believe that a member of his family could ever do such a thing. There was no question about it that he had stolen the horse.

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