Discusss in about 100 words the importance of the Article 16(A) of the Indian Constitution for the fulfilment of the right to equality of opportunity.

The preamble of our constitution mentions two things about equality. Equality of status and equality of opportunity. The Constitution clarifies that the government can implement special schemes and measures for improving the conditions of certain sections of the society.

Children, women, and the socially and educationally backward classes, there is a provision for 'reservations' in jobs and in admissions. Some people have wondered whythere are reservations if we follow the principle of equality.

In fact Article 16(4) of the constitution explicity clarifies that a policy like resevagioon will not be seen as a violation of right to equality. If we try to find out the spirit of the constitution, this is required for the fulfilment of the right to equality of opportunity.

Article 16(4) Nothing in this article shall prevent the state from making any provision for the reservation of appointments or posts in favour of only backward class of citizens which in the opinion of the state, is not adequately represented in the services under the state.

Tips: -

M. Imp.



What do you understand by Right against exploitation?

Right against exploitation: The Constitution prohibits traffic in human beings and 'beggar' and other similar forms of forced labour. Traffic in human beings means dealing in men and women like goods, such as selling, letting or otherwise disposing of them. It would include traffic in women and girls for immoral purposes. Beggar or forced labour means making a person work against his will and then not to pay him his wages.

The Constitution also lays down that no child below the age of 14 years shall be employed to work in any factory or mine. Nor shall such a child be engaged in any dangerous job. The children are the assets of the nation. Therefore, they need to be protected from being abused or exploited.

Mention major Constitutional provisions for the protection of women and children in India.

Following are the Constitutional provisions for the protection of women and children in India:

(i) The State will provide within ten years from the commencement of the Constitution, free and compulsory education to all the children upto the age of 14 years.

(ii) According to the Constitution of lndia the children below 14 years of age cannot be employed in a factory or mine or any other dangerous work. It has been done to protect them against any type of exploitation.

(iii) The Indian Constitution declares that all men and women are equal in the eyes of law. So, there cannot be any discrimination on the basis of sex as far as the law is concerned.

(iv) There shall be equal pay or wages for equal work for both men and women.

(v) The State shall establish maternity homes for the welfare of the women.


Classify rights and explain them.

Rights are classified into two types: moral and legal.

Moral rights are those rights which are related to our ethical sense of life. Such rights do not have the backing of the law behind them. It is the moral sense that recognise these moral rights. Children have the moral right to be looked after by their parents, have the moral right to seek assistance from their grown up children.

If moral rights are violated no legal action is taken. But if legal rights are violated legal action may follow.

A legal right is a right recognised by the state; it is in a way the product of law. As such a legal right is always enforceable. We can be helped by the police and courts for enjoyment of our legal rights.

