Widal test is used for the diagnosis of  from Biology Human He

Which one of the following statements is correct with respect to AIDS?

  • The HIV can be transmitted through eating food together with an infected person

  • Durg addicts are least susceptible to HIV infection

  • AIDS patients are being fully cured cent percent with proper care and nutrition

  • AIDS patients are being fully cured cent percent with proper care and nutrition


AIDS patients are being fully cured cent percent with proper care and nutrition

AIDS (Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome) is a viral disease of the immune system. It is caused by virus Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). In AIDS patients, the virus homes on CD4 + T -cells (helper T - lymphocytes), infecting and killing them until none are left. Without their crucial immune system cells, the body cannot mount a defence against invading bacteria or viruses. AIDS patient dies off infections that a healthy person could fight off.


Ringworm in humans is caused by 

  • Bacteria 

  • fungi 

  • nematodes

  • nematodes



Ringworm refers to fungal infections that are on the surface of the skin. Although the world is full of yeasts, moulds and fungi, only a few cause skin problems. These agents are called the dermatophytes. Some common dermatophytic fungi are Trichophyton rubrum, T. tensurans, T. interdigitale, T. mentagrophytes, Microsporum, Canis and Epidermophyton floccosum.


Fastest distribution of some injectible material /medicine and with no risk of any kind can be achieved by injecting it into the

  • muscles

  • arteries

  • veins

  • veins



Intravenous therapy IV therapy is providing the liquid substances (or medicine) through a drip, directly into the vein. The word intravenous simply means 'within' a vein' compared with other routes of administration, the intravenous root is the fastest way to deliver fluids and medications throughout the body. Some medications, as well as blood transfusions and lethal injections, can only be given intravenously.


Infectionus proteins are present in

  • geminiviruses

  • prions

  • viroids

  • viroids



Prions have a distinct extracellular from but the extracellular form is entirely protein. The prion particle does not contain any nucleic acid.However, it is infectious and prions are known to cause a variety of diseases in animals such scrapie in sheep, bovine spongiform encephalopathy in cattle (BSE or mad cow disease' ) chronic wasting disease in deer and elk and kuru and a form a Creutz Feldt- Jakob disease (CJD) in humans. No prion diseases of plants are known.



Widal test is used for the diagnosis of 

  • Malaria 

  • pneumonia

  • tuberculosis

  • tuberculosis



Widal test is bacterial agglutination test, originally introduced by Widal for diagnosis of typhoid fever. Widal test is based upon antigen-antibody serological interactions. Typhoid or enteric fever is caused by a Gram - negative bacterium Salmonella commonly found in the human intestine. Infection of typhoid bacteria stimulates the production of immune - specific agglutinins, which are released in blood plasma.

