Following graph describes the distance of a car from a city-P to

Following graph represents the total runs scored by two batsmen A and B, during each of the ten different matches in the year 2007. Study the graph and answer the following questions.
(a) What information is given on the two axes?
(b) Which line shows the runs scored by batsman A?
(c) Where the run scored by them same in any match in 2007? If so, in which match?
(d) Among the two batsmen, who is steadier? How do you judge it?

Solution not provided.
Ans. (a) x-axis     rightwards arrow     March played during the year 2007.
               y-axis    rightwards arrow      Total runs scored in each match.
(b) The dotted line
(c) Yes, in the 4th march
(d) Batsman B


Points (2, 3) and (3, 2) represent
  • the same points
  • the different points
  • the origin


the different points


Following graph describes the distance of a car from a city-P to city-Q, which are 350 km apart. Study the graph and answer the following questions.

(a) What information is given on the two axes?
(b) From where and when did the car begin its journey?
(c) How far did the car go in the first hour?
(d) How far did the car go during (i) the 2nd hour? (ii) the 3rd hour?
(e) Was the speed same during the first three hours? How do you know it?
(f) Did the car stop for some duration at any place? Justify your answer.
(g) When did the car reach City Q?

(a)  x-axis rightwards arrow time;  y-axis rightwards arrow Distance from p
(b) At 8: a.m. from city-p
(c) 50 km
(d) (i) 100 km (from 50 km, 5 to 150 km)
     (ii) 50 km(150 km to 200 km)
(e) It was same during 1st,  2nd hour and 3rd year.
(f) Yes, no distance covered during 11 a.m. to 12 noon.
(g) At 2 p.m.



Ratana fell sick. Her doctor maintained a record of her hody temperature, taken every four hours. It is shown in the following time-temperature graph.
(a) During which period the temperature showed a rising trend?
(b) During which period the temperature showed a downward trend?
(c) At what time the temperature was highest?
(d) At what time the temperature was lowest?

Solution not provided.
Ans. (a) 6 a.m. to 10 a.m.
         (b) 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
         (c) 10 a.m.
         (d) 6 p.m.


A line graph is called as:
  • bar graph
  • linear graph
  • pie graph


linear graph
