Based on your reading of the story ‘The Bond of Love’, write a paragraph on the topic : ‘Animals Also Feel the Pleasure of Love and the Pain of Separation.’

Animals Also Feel the Pleasure of Love and the Pain of Separation

Love and freedom - these two are the most important in the life of a living being be it a human being or an animal. Both have emotions and can feel the pleasure of love and the pain of separation. We can say from our personal experience that if love and care is given to a wild a animal, he will become friendly and pet. An unknown bond of love and friendship develops between the humans and the animals. He becomes a member of the family, that too a loved one. Like humans, if he has to stay away from his loved ones, he feels lonely, frets and yearns to meet them. When reunited, he expresses his delight in many a ways. He is just like a small child who cannot live without his parents. Therefore, we should never hurt a pet’s feelings as he feels like we all do.


(i) Where did the writer find the baby bear?

(ii) How were the wild pigs being driven away? Why?

(iii) Find the words from the passage which mean similar to the words given below:

(a) for no good reason, (b) at once.

(i) The writer found the baby bear near the sugarcane fields near Mysore.

(ii) The wild pigs were being driven out of the sugarcane fields by shooting at them as they destroyed the sugarcane fields.

(iii) (a) for no good reason — wantonly.

(b) at once — promptly.


In the story ‘The Bond of Love’ the author’s wife establishes a deep bond of love with a sloth bear. Based on your reading the story, write a paragraph on the topic :‘The Need to Love Animals’.

The Need to Love Animals

We have been very cruel to animals. We have killed and even decimated many of them. Due to our lust the earth has suffered great damages. We call ourselves the king of all creations, but we were never a true king, because it is the duty of the king to protect his subjects. Similarly, it should have been our duty to protect all the animals; but we never had any love for them. We killed them indiscriminately and destroyed their natural habitat. Some of the species are at the verge of extinction. It has created ecological imbalance. If we want the earth to survive we need to love all animals and learn to live with them in peace and harmony.


(i) What fell down the dead bear’s body ? Why were the shooters surprised?

(ii) How did the baby bear behave after his mother’s death?

(iii) Find two words (from the passage) opposite in meaning of the following words.

(a) release, (b) enemies.

(i) A baby bear riding on the back of his parent’s body fell from it. The shooters were surprised as it looked like a piece of black fur.

(ii) The baby bear kept running around his parent’s dead body, making sounds.

(iii) (a) release — capture.

(b) enemies — companions.



(a) What does ‘it’ stand for here?

(b) How did she feel at receiving it?

(c) Find out the words from the passage which mean the same as the following:

(i) properly, (ii) named.

(a) ‘It’ stands here for the baby bear.

(b) She was delighted at receiving it.

(c) (i) duly

(ii) christened.

