What are immediate causes and contributory causes of disease?

(i) Immediate cause of disease are infectious organisms like virus, bacteria, fungi, protozoan etc. 

(ii) Contributory causes of disease are :

(a) Poor health due to lack of good nourishment.

(b) Poor hygiene condition, economic condition due to which one does not get proper and sufficient food.

(c) Genetic difference which make some people more prone to disease than others.



In what type of disease you can be away from school for long time?

Chronic diseases.



What precautions could you take in your school to reduce the incidence of infectious diseases?

Precautions that we can take in our school to reduce the incidence of infectious diseases are :

(i) Avoid overcrowded place.

(ii) Dring pure and safe water..

(iii) Maintain cleanliness on a personal and public level.

(iv) Using of handkerchief or towel to cover the mouth and nose while a infected student is sneezing or coughing.

(v) Using of clean toilets.

(vi) Not to allow water to stagenate in school or around school to avoid mosquito breeding.

(vii) To get vaccinated whenever programmes are organised in the school for inocculation against various diseases.

(viii) Not eating food exposed to flies, mosquitoes etc.

(ix) Eating proper and nutritious food for a strong immune system.


List the measures for preventing infectious diseases.

Preventive measures of infectious diseases are -:

(i) We can prevent exposure to air borne diseases i.e., providing living conditions that are not overcrowed.

(ii) We can prevent exposure to water borne microbes by providing safe drinking water free from contamination.

(iii) We can presvent vector-borne infections, by providing clean environment that is abolishing breeding places of mosquitoes and flies.

(iv) Avoid contact in case of disease like measles and chichken pox. Avoiding close physical contact in case of diseases like AIDS.

(v) By making the body immune system strong by having proper and sufficient nourshing food.


What are the different means by which infectious diseases are spread?

Infectious disease can be spread in the following ways : 

(i) By Air - Sneezing or cough little droplets thrown in the air carry micrrobes which can cause the spread. For example in common cold, pneumonia etc.

(ii) Water - Contaminated water carry disease causing microbes which can cause infection o. Example, gut diseases such as cholera.

(iii) Sexual Contact. Diseases such as syphilis or AIDS are transmitted by sexual contact.

(iv) By vectors  These are intermediaries which carry the infectious agents from the patient to the host (normal person). Example, mosquitoes (Female Anopheles mosquito) can cause spread of malaria.

