


ICSE Class 10

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsShort Answer Type



Copy and complete the following nuclear equations by filling in the correct values in the blanks:

straight P presubscript 92 superscript 238 rightwards arrow with negative straight alpha on top space.... space straight P subscript 1 space.... space rightwards arrow with straight beta on top straight P subscript 2 space.... space rightwards arrow with negative straight beta on top space....... space straight P subscript 3 space......

The completed equation is given below: 

                 straight P presubscript 92 space end presubscript superscript space 238 end superscript space rightwards arrow with negative straight alpha space on top straight P presubscript space 90 end presubscript subscript 1 to the power of 234 space rightwards arrow with negative straight beta on top space straight P presubscript 91 subscript 2 to the power of 234 space rightwards arrow with negative straight beta on top straight P presubscript space 92 end presubscript subscript 3 to the power of 234



 Multiple Choice QuestionsLong Answer Type


State Newton’s second law of motion both in words and in equation form. Under what condition does this equation become F = ma?



The radius of the driving wheel of a set of gears is 18 cm. It has 100 teeth and rotates at a speed of 30 rpm. The driven wheel rotates at a speed of 150 rpm. Calculate:

i) the gear ratio; ii) the number of teeth on the driven wheel and iii) the radius of the driven wheel. 



A small stone of mass m = 200 g is held under water in a tall jar and is allowed to fall as shown in the figure. The free body diagram of the stone is also shown:


i) What do F2 and m1 represent?

ii) Calculate the net force acting on the stone and

iii) its acceleration as it falls through water. (Neglect the force due to viscosity. Take the volume of the stone as 80 cm3, density of water as 1.0 g/cm3 and acceleration due to gravity, g = 10 m/s2



A thermos flask of negligible heat capacity contains 100 g of ice and 30 g of water.

i) Calculate:

1. the mass of steam of 1000 C needed to condense in the flask so as to just melt the ice.

2. the amount of water in the flask after condensation.

(Specific latent heat of vaporisation of the steam = 2260 J/g

Specific latent heat of fusion of ice = 336 J/ g

Specific heat capacity of water = 4.2 J.g0C)

ii) Is it possible to condense the water formed, back to ice by adding ice at 0C? Explain giving a suitable reason to justify your answer.                     


i) State the principle of calorimetry.

ii) Express 1 k/wh in terms of S.I. unit of energy.

iii) Which of the two, 1 g of ice at 0o C or 1 g of water at 0o C contains more heat? Give reason for your answer.  


An electric bulb rated 220 V, 60 W is working at full efficiency.

i) State the resistance of the coil of the bulb.

ii) Another identical bulb is connected in series with the first one and the system is connected across the mains as shown alongside:

  1. State the rate of conversion of energy in each bulb.
  2. Calculate the total power.
What will be the total power if the bulbs are connected in parallel? 
