


CBSE Class 12

Pre Boards

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsLong Answer Type


(a) Draw a diagrammatic sectional view of the female reproductive system of human and label the parts:

(i) where the secondary oocytes develop

(ii) which helps in collection of ovum after ovulation

(iii) where fertilization occurs

(iv) where implantation of embryo occurs.

(b) Explain the role of pituitary and the ovarian hormones in menstrual cycle in human females.


Describe the asexual and sexual phases of life cycle of Plasmodium that causes malaria in humans.



(a) What is plant breeding? List the two steps the classical plant breeding involves.

(b) How has the mutation breeding helps in improving crop varieties? Give one example where this technique has helped.

(c) How has the breeding programme helped in improving the public nutritional health? State two examples in support of your answer.



A child by the family from Thalassemia is born to a normal couple. But the mother is being blamed by the family for delivering a sick baby. (a) What is Thalassemia?

(b) How would you counsel the family not to blame the mother for delivering a child suffering from this disease? Explain.

(c) List the values your counseling can propagate in the families.

(a) Thalassemia - is an autosomal recessive blood disease which can occur due to deletion of the genes controlling the formation of globin chains (commonly Alpha and Beta) of haemoglobin.

(b) Mother cannot be blamed for the disease as, it is an autosomal recessive blood disorder. The genes for the synthesis of globin chains are present on autosomes.

(i) Formation of Alpha chain is controlled by 2 genes present on chromosome 16 and

(ii) Formation of Beta-chain is controlled by one gene present on chromosome 11manifestation of the disease occurs when the progeny receives defective genes from both the parents (as thalassemia is expressed is homozygous recessive condition only).

(c) Values that can be propagated in families are

(i) One should be aware of such autosomal diseases and should get themselves checked for the same before marriage.

(ii) Manifestation of the disease occurs due to defective genetic set up of both the parent (so it is not only that the mother should be blamed.
