


ICSE Class 12

Pre Boards

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Sample Papers

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsShort Answer Type

11. Correct the following statements :

When tin is treated with cold and very dilute nitric acid, stannic acid is formed.

12. Correct the following statements :

Oxidation of sucrose with concentrated nitric acid yields glycerol.

13. The depression in the freezing point of a sugar solution was found to be 0.402°C. Calculate the osmotic pressure of the sugar solution at 27°C. (Kf = 1.86 K kg mol– 1


A solution is prepared by dissolving 2.0 g of sucrose and 2.0 g of urea in 100 g of water at 298 K. Calculate the vapour pressure of the solution, if the vapour pressure of pure water at 298 K is 23.756 torr.

(Molecular weight of urea = 60 and sucrose = 342)




The average life-period of a radioactive nucleide is 100 hours. How long will it take for 10 g of the nucleide to lose 75 percent of its radioactivity ?    [4]

(ii) Calculate the number of α -particles and β-particles emitted in a total transformation fromTh presubscript 90 presuperscript 232 space to space Pb presubscript 82 presuperscript 208.

Average space life minus period space straight zeta space equals 1 over straight K
straight K space equals 1 over 100 space equals space 0.01 space hr to the power of negative 1 end exponent

left square bracket straight N subscript 0 space equals space initial space amount space equals 100 right square bracket comma space left square bracket straight N subscript straight A space equals amount space left space after space time space straight t equals space 25 right square bracket
Time space taken space for space decay space equals space straight t equals fraction numerator 2.303 over denominator 0.01 end fraction space log space 100 over 25
space equals space fraction numerator 2.303 over denominator 0.01 end fraction space straight x space log space 4
space equals space 138.65 space hr

ii right parenthesis space let space straight x space be space number space of space straight alpha minus particles space and space straight y space be space number space of space 3 minus particles space emitted space during space nuclear space change
Th presubscript 90 superscript 232 space rightwards arrow space Pb presubscript 82 superscript 208 space plus straight x subscript 2 He to the power of 4 space plus straight y subscript negative 1 end subscript straight e to the power of 0
straight a right parenthesis space comparing space mass space number
232 space equals space 208 space plus 4 straight x plus 0
4 straight x space equals 232 minus 208
straight x space 24 over 4 space equals space 6
ii right parenthesis space Comparing space atomic space number
90 equals 82 plus 2 straight x minus straight y
substituting space value space of space straight x space
90 equals 82 plus 2 space straight x space 6 minus straight y
Number space of space straight alpha minus particles space emitted space equals 6
Number space of space straight beta space minus particles space emitted space equals 4

16. What is the shape of an acetylene molecule ? Mention the type of hybridization present in it. 

17. Draw the molecular orbital diagram for O+2 .What is its bond order ? State whether this molecule is paramagnetic or diamagnetic.

18. Two ionic compounds AB find AB2 have the same solubility product. Which of the two compounds has a higher solubility at the same temperature ? Justify your answer.


(i) What is phase rule ? Draw the phase diagram of water and label all the parts representing the phases and curves. Mark the triple point. 

(ii) Calculate the equivalent conductivity of 1 M H2SO4, whose specific conductivity is 26 x 10 – 2 ohm –1 cm–1.


20. Explain why an aqueous solution of copper sulphate is acidic, whereas an aqueous solution of sodium carbonate is basic.
