What do you mean by physical fitness?

It is the ability of a person to do daily routine work without fatigue; moreover to participate in playful activities and still reserves enough capacity to meet any emergency.


Enlist the different components of Health-related fitness and explain them in detail?

There are following components of Health-related fitness:

  1. Body composition
  2. Cardio-respiratory Endurance
  3. Flexibility
  4. Muscular Endurance
  5. Muscular strength


  1. Body Composition: The body composition means the amount of the fat-free body weight. It is well known that a high percentage of body fat in relation to the total body weight is harmful and may lead to obesity from the health point of view, the normal percentage of body fat for young men and women should not exceed 15 and 25 percentage. It means that for health-related fitness an individual should have ideal body weight and fat percentage.
  2. Cardio-Respiratory Endurance: It is the maximum functional capacity of the cardio-respiratory system to carry on the work or Physical activity involving large muscle group over an extended period.
  3. Flexibility: Flexibility is the range of movements of joints. It is important for all individuals in daily life. It can be classified into passive flexibility and active flexibility. Active flexibility can be further classified into static flexibility and dynamic flexibility.
  4. Muscular Endurance: Muscular endurance is an ability of a muscle or group of muscles to repeat muscular contractions against a force or to carry on contraction over a maximum period.
  5. Muscular Strength: Muscular strength is the maximum amount of force that can be exerted by a muscle group against a resistance during a single contraction.


Narrate the components of positive lifestyle in detail.

Positive healthy lifestyle is the most valuable source of reducing the incidence and impact of a number of health problems, for recovery, for coping with life stressors and for improving the quality of life.

  1. Healthy Diet: Healthy Diet or good nutrition is one of the main components of a positive lifestyle. In fact, a healthy diet is necessary to lead a healthy diet of good positive lifestyle.
  2. Physical Activity: It is another component of a positive lifestyle. Regular physical exercise is needed to maintain a healthy weight and to enhance strength and flexibility of the body.
  3. Stress Management: Stress can be managed properly through meditation and relaxation techniques only.
  4. Socialization: An individual should develop good social relations with his fellows and neighbors. He should pay visits to his home from time to time. Such relations strengthens the social bondage among them.
  5. Personal Hygiene: Stress should be laid on personal hygiene such as cleanliness and proper care of eyes, nose, ears, throat, hair, teeth, etc.
  6. Proper Sleep: Lack of sleep may cause exhaustion or fatigue. It also causes the body to release Cortisol which further leads to heart diseases. So it is significant to have proper and sound sleep for a healthy lifestyle.

Describe the components of wellness?

Components of wellness:

  1. Physical Activity: It makes the person fit and active. It improves various system of body and improves our health. It also improves our growth and development.
  2. Balanced Emotional life: Wellness requires a balanced emotional life and release of emotions. Moreover it should be under control.
  3. Intellectual Attitude: Wellness requires positive intellectual attitude. It improves our behavior, intelligence, alertness, futuristic and insight thinking.
  4. Spiritual wellness: It makes the person ethically good, morally good, peaceful more- over guides the value of life.
  5. Occupational wellness: It makes the person to be hard worker and earn the livelihood with honesty. It helps to achieve the balance of work and leisure and gives satisfaction.
  6. Managing Stress: Wellness needs the proper management of stresses and tension of life. It keeps us calm and controls our anxiety.

Explain the component of physical fitness.

There are five physical fitness components they are:

  1. Speed: It is an ability to perform movement at a faster rate or it is an ability to perform movement in a short period of time and sports e.g. practicing with faster rhythm, speed endurance, repetition method acceleration runs etc.
  2. Strength: It is an ability of a muscle to overcome or to act against resistance exercise, pushups etc.
  3. Endurance: It is an ability to sustain or continue the activity. It is an ability to test fatigue. It is one of the important components of middle and long distance races and it is required for almost all major games like football, hockey, and basketball.
  4. Flexibility: It is the capacity of a muscle to extend without any damage. Flexibility is measured by a range of motion around a joint. It is affected by muscle length, joint structure and other factors, it is measured through flexometer.
  5. Co-ordinate ability: It is an ability of the body to perform the movement with perfection and efficiency. In other words, it is an ability to change movement or direction in the shortest time without getting imbalanced.
