A bob of mass 0·1 kg, hung from the ceiling of a room by a stri
Does the time taken by horizontal projectile to reach the ground depend on the speed of projection?

No, time taken by horizontal projectile, to reach the ground does not depend on the speed of projection. 

A body is dropped from some height and the second body is projected horizontally from the same point.
Which of the two will reach the ground first? 

The acceleration due to gravity acting on both media is the same. Therefore, both the bodies will reach the ground simultaneously. 

A projectile is projected in horizontal direction with velocity u from height h. How long will it take to reach the ground?

Velocity of the particle = u 

Height at which the particle is projected = h

Let, time of flight be T

Using the equation, 

y = yo +uyt + 

We have, y=h, yo = 0 and uy = 0 


h = 0+0 

Time taken for the particle to reach the ground, T = 



A bob of mass 0·1 kg, hung from the ceiling of a room by a string 2m long, is set into oscillation. The speed of the bob at its mean position is 1 m/s. What is the trajectory of the bob if the string is cut when the bob is:
(a) at one of its extreme positions?
(b) at its mean position?

The trajectory of the bob is,

(a) Straight line, 

(b) Parabola.

A stone is thrown vertically upwards and then it returns to the thrower. Is it a projectile motion? Explain

The motion is not projectile because a projectile should have two component of velocities in two mutually perpendicular directions. But, in this case the stone has velocity only in one direction, while going up or coming downwards. 
