Discuss the  respiratory pigments of human beings.

Respiratory pigments of human being is haemoglobin :

Haemoglobin : It is a red coloured pigment formed of iron and protein. Haemoglobin is a red coloured iron containing pigment present in the RBCs. O2  binds with haemoglobin in a reversible manner to and form oxyhaemoglobin. One haemoglobin molecule can carry a maximum of four molecules of O2



Give reasons for the following
Oxygen leaves the blood from tissue capillaries, but carbon dioxide enters the blood in tissue capillaries.



 pO2 is higher in the tissue capillaries than in the blood. Since the gases diffuse fro the region having higher partial pressure to the region having low partial pressure. Thus, oxygen leaves the blood from tissue capillaries, but carbon dioxide enters the blood in tissue tissue capillaries.


Describe the respiratory quotient.

Respiratory quotient (R.Q.) : It is the ratio of the volume of carbon dioxide produced to the volume of oxygen used in a unit time.

It is different for different foods. For glucose, it is

Describe the respiratory quotient, sneezing and shutdown.

For Fats it is about 0.7 and For proteins it is about 0.85. 



Write a note on respiration.

Respiration : Respiration is a catabolic. oxidising and energy liberating process. During this process, exchange of gases takes place, i.e. oxygen is taken into tissue cells and carbon dioxide produced as metabolic waste matter is given out. The energy released by oxidation of food substances such as carbohydrates, fats and proteins is stored in the form of ATP molecules. 

Respiration serves the following purposes :

(1) It helps in keeping the functions of blood normal by adjusting changes in the pH of blood.

(2) It helps in maintaining proper oxygen concentration in the body.

(3) It helps in maintaining normal body temperature.

(4) It provides energy for the activities of the body. 


Describe the types of respiration.

There are two types of respiration :

1. Direct respiration : In this type the atmospheric oxygen directly reaches all the cells of the body .e.g., protozoans, flat worms, coelentrates, insects etc.

2. Indirect respiration : It is the respiration in which oxygen first combines with blood in respiratory organs and then blood transports the oxygen to all the cells of the body e.g. earthworm, frog, human being etc.

