Restriction endonucleases are enzymes which from Biology Biotec

What is true about Bt toxin

  • The inactive protoxin gets converted into active form in the insect gut

  • Bt protein exists as active toxin in the bacillus

  • The activated toxin enters the ovaries of the pets to sterilise it and thus prevent its multiplication

  • The activated toxin enters the ovaries of the pets to sterilise it and thus prevent its multiplication


The inactive protoxin gets converted into active form in the insect gut

Bacillus thuringiensis toxin is an inactive protoxin, which gets converted into an active form in the insect gut. It works as an insecticide.


Stirred -tank bioreactors have been designed for 

  • the addition of preservatives of the product

  • purification of the product

  • ensuring anaerobic conditions in the culture vessel

  • ensuring anaerobic conditions in the culture vessel


ensuring anaerobic conditions in the culture vessel

The most common type of aerobic bioreactor in use today is the stirred tank- reactor, which may feature a specific internal configuration designed to provide a specific circulation pattern. The stirred tank bioreactor have been designed for the availability of oxygen throughout the processes.


Which one of the following pairs of codons is correctly matched with their function or the signal for the particular amino acid?

  • GUU, GCU - Alanine

  • UAG, UGA - stop

  • AUG, ACG - start/ methionine

  • AUG, ACG - start/ methionine


UAG, UGA - stop

The group of nucleotides that specifies one amino acid is a code word or condo. The nucleotides of mRNA are arranged as a linear sequence of codons, each London consisting of three successive nitrogenous bases. Three codons UAG, UAA and UGA are the chain stop or termination codons. They do not code for any of the amino acids.

In most organisms AUG codon is the start or initiation codon, They do not code or any of the amino acids.

In most organisms AUG codon is the start or initiation codon, ie, the polypeptide chain starts either with methionine or N-formylmethionine.

Leucine - UUA, UUG, CUU, CUC, CUA, CUG

Alanine - GUC, GCC, GCA, GCG

GUU - Valine

UCA - Serine



Restriction endonucleases are enzymes which

  • make cuts at specific positions within the DNA molecule

  • recognize a specific nucleotide sequence for binding of DNA ligase

  • restrict the action of the enzyme DNA polymerase

  • restrict the action of the enzyme DNA polymerase


make cuts at specific positions within the DNA molecule

Restriction endonucleases recognise a specific DNA base sequence (recognition sequence of the recognition site, restriction sequence or restriction site) and cleave both the strands of DNA at or near the site. The enzyme cuts are DNA, generating restriction fragments wit overhanging ends or blunt ends.



Given below is a diagrammatic cross section of a single loop of the human cochlea.
Which one of the following options correctly represents the names of three parts? 

  • B: Perilymph
    C: SPerilymph
    D: Secretory Cells
  • C :Endolymph
    D : Sensory hair cells
    A: Serum

  • D: Sensory hair cells 
    A: Endolymph
    B: Tectorial membrane

  • D: Sensory hair cells 
    A: Endolymph
    B: Tectorial membrane


D: Sensory hair cells 
A: Endolymph
B: Tectorial membrane

