Give reasons for Solids with F-centres are paramagnetic? fro
Give reasons for Cation vacancies in some crystals make them good catalysts.

The catalytic activity dependsvery much on the surface area per unit mass of the sample.
Transition metal corresponds show metal deficiency due to absence of metal ion from its lattice. The charge is balanced by an adjacent ion having higher positive charge which ultimately increases chemisorption.

Give reasons for ZnO becomes yellow on heating.

Due to Frenkel defect, when ZnO is heated, it loses oxygen reversibly and turns yellow in colour.

Due to Frenkel defect, when ZnO is heated, it loses oxygen reversibly

The Zn2+ ions formed enter the vacant voids in the crystal to form non-stoichiometric solid. The released electrons get trapped in its neighbourhood. It is therefore non-stoichiometric ZnO is yellow and shows increased conductivity.

Give reasons for Non-stoichiometric sodium chloride is a yellow solid.

When crystals of NaCl are heated in an atmosphere of sodium vapour, the sodium atoms are deposited on the surface of the crystal.
The Cl– ions diffuse to the surface of the crystal and
combine with Na atoms to give NaCl. This happens by loss of electron by sodium atoms to form Na+ ions. The released electrons diffuse into the crystal and occupy anionic sites. As a result the crystal now has an excess of sodium. The anionic sites occupied byunpaired electrons are called F-centre. They impart yellow colour to the crystals of NaCl.

The colour results by excitation of these electrons when they absorb energy from the visible light falling on the crystals.



Give reasons for Solids with F-centres are paramagnetic?

f centres are the anionic vacancies occupied by unpaired electron. since the presence of unpaired electrons shows paramagnetic.

What is the difference between Schottky defects and Frenkel defects?

Schottky defects

Frenkel defects

1. It arises due to vacancy at a cation site and at a nearby anion site in an ionic solid.

2. Overall density of the crystal decreases.

3. It arises in ionic solids having high co-ordination number.

4.Example: NaCl, KCl, CsCl etc.

1. It arises when a cation leaves its lattice site and enters in an interstitial site in an ionic solid.

2. There is no change in the overall density.

3. It arieses in ionic solids having large anions and small cations.

Example: ZnS, AgCl, AgI etc
