Methyl acetate is hydrolysed in approximately N-HCl at 25°C.
The rate of decomposition of N2O5 in CCl4 solution has been studied at 318 K and the following results have been obtained:

t (in mitt)






C (mol L–1)






Find the order of reaction and calculate its rate constant.

It can be seen that the rate of reaction does not remain constant with time and, therefore it is not a zero order reaction.

(i) at t = 135 min;            k = 2.303135 minlog2.08191=6.32 × 10-4 min-1(ii) at t = 339 min;           k = 2.303339 minlog2.081.68 = 6.30 × 10-4 min-1(iii) at t = 683 min;          k = 2.303683 minlog2.081.35 = 6.32 × 10-4 min-1(iv) at t = 1680 min;       k = 2.3031680 minlog 2.080.57 = 6.31 × 10-4 min-1

It is observed that the value of k is almost constant for all experimental results and hence it is first order reaction with k = 6.31 x 10
–4 min–1.


Methyl acetate is hydrolysed in approximately N-HCl at 25°C. 5.0 mL portions of the reaction mixture were removed at intervals and titrated with 0.185 N-NaOH. From the data given below prove that hydrolysis of methyl acetate is a first order reaction.
t/sec 1242 sec 2745 sec 4546 sec
At Conc. -27.80ml -29.70ml -31.81ml

Here [ A]0 is proportional to the alkali consumed between t = &&& and t = 339 sec, i.e., [A]0 = (39.81 mL – 26.34 mL) = 13.47 mL [A]t is proportional to the alkali consumed at &&& minus the alkali consmed at the specified time. Thus,
[A], at 1242 sec = 39.81 mL – 27.80 mL = 12.01 mL
[A], at 2745 sec = 39.81 mL – 29.70 mL = 10.11 mL
[A], at 4546 sec = 39.81 mL – 31.81 mL = 8.00 mL
Substituting the values of t, [A]0 and [A]t in the first-order rate equation

k=2.303tlog A0At

we get the following values of k

(i)                  k=2.303(1242-339)seclog13.47 mL12.01 mL=1.27×10-4s-1

(ii)                 k=2.303(247.5-339)seclog13.47 mL10.11 mL= 1.19 × 10-4s-1

(iii)                k=2.303(4546-339)seclog13.47 mL8.0 mL=1.24×10-4s-1

Since the three values of k derived from first-order reaction are close to being identical, hydrolysis of methyl acetate is a first order reaction.


Consider a typical first order gas phase reaction
A(g)     B(g) + C(g)
P1 be the initial pressure of A, Pt the total pressure at time ‘t’. Derive integrated rate equation.

Total pressure P1 = PA + PB + Pc (pressure units)
pA, pB and pc are the partial pressures of A, B and C respectively. When x is the amount of A converted into products, when pi is the initial pressure at time t = 0

       pt=(pi-x) + x + x = pi +xx = pt - pi


pA = pi-x=pi-(pt-pi) = 2pi-pt k = 2.303t log pipA =  2.303t log pi(2pi-pt)

Pseudo first order reaction: Although in most reactions, order and molecularity are same, there are certain reactions whose order and molecularity differ. For example, hydrolysis of

C12H12O11+H2O  C6H12O6+C6H12O6  Sucrose                        Glucose         Fructose

Molecularity of this reaction is 2 but its order 1 because its rate depends only on the concentration of surcrose. The concentration of water remains is very high and does not change during the reaction (i.e., concentration of water remains practically constant throughout the reaction). Such reactions are known as pseudo-unimolecular or pseudo first order reactions. Other examples, of pseudo-unimolecular reaction is the acidic hydrolysis of esters where water
remains in excess.

CH3COOC2H5+H2O  (excess) H+  CH3COOH+C2H2OH


Although it is termolecular (molecularity = 3) reaction, its order is one as concentration of H+ and H2O+ remains constant during reaction. Hydrolysis of organic chlorides is also an example of first order reaction small water (one of the reactants) is again in large excess and its concentration remains constant throughout the reactions.

Thus when one of the reactants is present in large excess, the second order reaction conforms to the first order and is known as a pseudo-unimolecular reaction.
Reaction between acetic anhydride and excess of ethanol to form ester and conversion of N-Chloroacetanilide to p-chloroacetanilide are also examples of pseudo-unimolecular reactions.



The decomposition of H2O2 in basic solution is first order in H2O2.
2H2O2(aq) → 2H2O2 (l) x O2(g)
the rate constant is 1.6 x 10–5 s–1 at 25°C and initial concentration of H2O2 is 0.20 M.
(a) What is the concentration of H2O2 after 2 hrs.
(b) How long will it take for H2O2 concentration to drop to 0.08 M.
(c) How long will it take for 90% of H2O2 to decompose?

(a)                                straight k space equals space 2.303 space log space left parenthesis straight R right parenthesis subscript 0 divided by straight R subscript straight t divided by straight t
or               1.6 cross times 10 to the power of negative 5 end exponent space equals space 2.303 space log space left square bracket 0.2 space divided by left square bracket straight R right square bracket right curly bracket divided by 2 space cross times space 60 space cross times 60
or                       open square brackets straight R close square brackets space equals space 0.178 space straight M
                 1.6 space cross times space 10 to the power of negative 5 end exponent space equals space 2.303 space log left parenthesis 0.2 space straight M divided by 0.08 space straight M right parenthesis divided by straight t
space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space straight t space space space equals space 2.303 space cross times space 0.398 divided by 1.6 space cross times space 10 to the power of negative 5 end exponent
space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space straight t space equals space 5.73 space cross times space 10 to the power of 4 straight s

 left parenthesis straight c right parenthesis space space space space 1.6 space cross times space 10 to the power of negative 5 end exponent space equals space 2.303 space log space left curly bracket 0.2 divided by left parenthesis 0.2 space space space 0.18 right parenthesis right curly bracket space divided by space straight t
space space or space space space space space space space space space space space space straight t space space space space space space equals space 2.303 space log space left parenthesis 0.2 divided by 0.02 right parenthesis space 1.6 space cross times space 10 to the power of negative 5 end exponent
space space space or space space space space space space space space space space space straight t space space space space space equals space 2.303 divided by 1.6 space cross times space 10 to the power of negative 5 end exponent space equals space 1.43 space cross times space 10 to the power of 5 straight s
space space space

Table 4.2. Integrated rate laws for the reactions of simpler order.

(a)                                or          


The rate of change in concentration of C in the reaction 2A + B → 2C + 3D was reported 1.0 M sec–1. Calculate the reaction rate as well as rate of change of concentration of A, B and D.

Rate of reaction =


                   dCdt=1.0 mol litre-1 sec-1

                -dAdt=dCdt=1.0 mol litre-1sec-1-dBdt=12dCdt=0.5 mol litre-1sec-1dDdt=32dCdt = 32×1 = 1.5 mol litre-1sec-1

Also, Because            Rate=12dCdt

                               Rate=12×1 = 0.5 mol litre-1 sec-1.

Dependence of rate on concentration of reactants: The rate of a chemical reaction at a given temperature may depend on the concentration of one or more reactants and sometimes on products. The representation of rate of a reaction in the terms of the concentration of the reactants is given by rate law. The rate for a given reaction is established by experimental study of the rate of reaction over a wide range of concentration of the reactants and products. Rate law expression differs for the same reaction under different experimental conditions. Rate constants and order of reaction:

(i) Rate constant or specific reaction rate: It is the rate of reaction when the concentration of each reactant is 1 mol/L. For a given reaction it is constant at a particular temperature and is independent of the concentration of reactants. The units of the rate constant of a reaction depends on the order of the reaction. For an nth order of reaction,

dxdt= k(conc)n  k = dxdt×1(conc)n=conc.time×1(conc)n=1time×1(conc.)n-1

For zero order of reaction, units of k is mol L
–1 time–1, for first order reaction, unit of k is time–1, for second order reaction, unit of k is L mol–1 time–1.

In terms of gaseous reactions, concentration is expressed terms of pressure having units of atmosphere. Let us consider the general reaction: aA + bB → Products
where A and B are the reactants and a and b are the stoichiometric coefficients in the balanced chemical equations.

The rate law is written as,
Rate = Δ[A] / Δ t = k[A]α [B]β
where k is called the rate constant. Rate constant (k) is the constant of proportionality within the empirical rate law linking the rate of reaction and concentration of reactants involved in the reaction. The rate law can be written in the form
Rate ∝ [A]α[B]β

The exponents ‘α’ and ‘β’ in the rate law indicate how sensitive the rate is to change in [A] and [B] and they are usually unrelated to the coefficients a and b in the balanced equation. In general, exponents are positive. But for complex reactions it can be negative, zero or even fractions. If exponent is one, it means rate depends linearly on the concentration of the reactant. If concentration of A is doubled, rate is also doubled. This means a = 1. If α = 2 and [A] is also doubled, rate increases by the factor of 4(z2). When exponent is zero {[A]0 = 1}, rate is independent of concentration.


