Calculate the density of silver which crystallizes in a face cent
The density of chromium is 7.2 g cm–3. If the unit cell is cubic with edge length of 289 pm, determine the type of the unit cell (Atomic mass of Cr = 52 amu).

We have given that 

Gram atomic mass of Cr(M) = 52.0 g mol-1
   Edge length of unit cell (a) = 289 pm
   Density of unit cell (ρ) = 7.2 g cm-3
 Avogadro's Number (N0) = 6.022×1023 mol-1       

     ρ = Z×Ma3×NA×10-30

or              Z=ρ×a3×NA×10-30M
   Z=(7.2 g cm-3) × (289)3× (6.022×1023 mol-3) × (10-30 cm3)(52.0 g mol-1)=2

Since the unit cell has 2 atoms, it is body centre in nature.


An atom has fcc crystal whose density is 10 gm–3 and cell edge is 100 pm. How many atoms are present in its 100 g?

We have given that
Density = 10 gm-3
Mass = 100g
edge of unit cell ,a= 4 since it is a Fcc crystal

we have to find total number of atom, So by following relation we can get the result,

Total No. of atoms = Z×Ma3.d

Therefore, number of atoms

=4×100 g(100×10-12m)3×10 gm-3= 4×1031 atoms
thus the number of atoms is 4 x 1031 


An element crystallises in BCC structure. The edge length of its unit cell is 288 pm. If the density of crystal is 7.2 g cm–3, what is the atomic mass of the element?

For bcc structure
For bcc structure        



Calculate the density of silver which crystallizes in a face centred cubic lattice with unit cell length 0.4086 nm (At. mass of Ag = 107.88)

We have given that

Unit cell length,
a = 0.40806 nm  = 4.086 x 10-10 m

  If fcc lattice the number of atoms per unit cell,
i.e. Z = 4

        M for Ag = 107.88 g mol-1

                      =1.0788×10-1 kg mol-1

              NA = 6.023 × 1023

Density of Ag, d = ZMNA a3

                         = 4×1.0788×10-16.023×1023×(4.086×10-10)3= 1.051 × 104 kg m-3

 Thus the density of silver is 1.051 x 104 kgm-3


A metal (at. mass = 50) has a bcc crystal structure. The density of the metal is 5.96 g cm–3. Find the volume of its unit cell?

We have given that
Atomic mass of the metal = 50g
bcc unit cell, Z = 2
Density of metal = 5.96 g/cm
Therefore, volume of the unit,

a3 = M×ZNA×d     = 50×26.02×1023×5.96    = 2.787 × 10-23 cm3
