When the object falls on the ground, the earth moves up. Why the earth’s motion is not noticeable?
If the force of gravity between the earth and the body is same and mutual, then does the body fall towards the earth and the earth does not move towards body?

When a body falls on the ground, both the body and the earth move towards each other. But the ratio of distance travelled by each is inversely proportional to the mass.


where s, S are distances travelled by the body and the earth. 

Since,               M>>>m 

∴                       s>>>S 

Therefore motion of the earth is not noticeable.

What is mass and weight?

Mass is the amount of matter present in the body and weight is the force with which the earth pulls the mass.

Mass of a body is same at every point and is a scalar quantity.

The weight of body is different at different places and is a vector quantity. 

We cannot move even a finger without disturbing all the stars. Explain.

According to Newton's law of gravitation, the force of attraction between any two bodies in this universe is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

Therefore, when the finger is moved, the distance between finger and stars changes. Hence, the force of attraction between finger and stars changes. This disturbs all the stars. 


Any two bodies on the surface of the earth should move towards each other due to force of attraction acting between them but they do not. Why?

The masses of the bodies are very small as compared to the mass of the earth. 

Hence, the force of attraction between the two bodies is very small as compared to the force of friction between the bodies and the surface of the earth.

Hence, they do not move towards each other. 

Among the known types of forces in nature, the gravitational force is the weakest. Why then does it play a dominant role for the motion of bodies on the terrestrial, astronomical and cosmological scale?

Nuclear forces are short-range forces and dominate only over the range of distance of the order of 10-14 m to 10-15 m.

Therefore, the motion for bodies in the terrestrial, astronomical and cosmological scale is not affected by nuclear forces.

Electric forces are both attractive as well as repulsive unlike gravitational force, and zero if the bodies are neutral. Therefore, for massive neutral bodies gravitational force plays an important role.
