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How to write objects into a file in R?

Zigya Acadmey 0

You can save an R object like a data frame as either an RData file or an RDS file. RData files can store multiple R objects at once, but RDS files are the better choice because they foster reproducible code.

We can also save objects likes data frame into a csv files and can be used later.

The ‘write.csv( )’ command can be used to save an R data frame as a .csv file. While variables created in R can be used with existing variables in analyses, the new variables are not automatically associated with a data frame. For example, suppose we read in a .csv file under the data frame and done some changes to it.


# Creating a data frame
> df <- data.frame(
+ c1 = c(1:10),
+ c2 = c(101:110)
+ )
> df
   c1  c2
1   1 101
2   2 102
3   3 103
4   4 104
5   5 105
6   6 106
7   7 107
8   8 108
9   9 109
10 10 110

# Saving that data frame into a csv file
> write.csv(df , 'hello.csv')

To save data as an RData object, use the save function. To save data as a RDS object, use the saveRDS function. In each case, the first argument should be the name of the R object you wish to save. You should then include a file argument that has the file name or file path you want to save the data set to.

For example, if you have three R objects, ab, and c, you could save them all in the same RData file and then reload them in another R session:

> a <- c(1:10)
> b <- c('hello', 'hey', 'hi')
> c <- rnorm(10)
> save(a, b, c, file = "stuff.RData")
> load("stuff.RData")

To save all the data of your workspace we need ls() function. This function return a vector of character strings giving the names of the objects in the specified environment.

> save(list = ls(), file = "obj.RData")
> load("obj.RData")


Hence, we saw how to save and write objects like data frames into different files. with an example each, also
how to store the environmental variables in an RData file.

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Zigya Academy

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