Well, have you made up your mind to jump on the bandwagon and start your own blog? If yes, then what is holding you back? Is this question (How to start a blog?) pestering your mind? Leave that up to our handle. As in this blog, we will lay down the six-step-guide for you- to start a fruitful blog.
Writing has always been ingeniously an innate subject, but blogging has surpassed all the ambits of subtleties of writing skills. Blogging gives you a voice to assert a point, and you never know who may benefit from your nuances.
If you have a thought-provoking and rhetorical art of writing, nothing can stop you to win over hearts with your blog. Inordinately this petite question-just can’t do that.
Just follow this simple and easy-going five-step guide and soon you would stride on the path of success or fruition.
Before getting into the game, you have to make a choice of a blogging platform. What’s that? To present your content, you need a platform or a website where you can upload it. Hence, you need to choose a platform like blogger.com, Tumblr.com, or the most famous one WordPress.com. Making things easier for you- Word Press is usually the most preferred choice for serious bloggers. Rest, it’s your choice.

Having an idea of a blog in mind, you must have a bubbling thought in your mind- as to what you want to write about. Right? In close proximity to that creative idea- think of an out-of-the-box name of that blog. But make sure the name is not exclusively ingenious that it becomes difficult for people to search for.
Simply put, your first step is to choose a domain name for your blog. And, yeah don’t mess around too much spinning your wheels in this step. Your innovation will take a lead role in blogging and emblazoning your ideas. Save your idiosyncrasies for that!
After buying or moving along with the free version of a domain name, you need web hosting. Now, what’s that? Web host makes repository provisions for your data to be saved. Now, if you are uploading anything on the internet, it has to be stored somewhere to be made accessible to the public, isn’t it? That job is done by hosting. GoDaddy, SiteGround, Bluehost, Hostgator and there are a lot more like them offering their storage services.
Choose meticulously as the functionality and performance of your site exuberantly depend on the hosting. It is an imperative piece that composite the puzzle of the blogging platform. The host ensures that your website is open to potential readers 24/7 and it is where your material and files are kept online.
So, here you are- ready to create and adorn your own website. Proceeding forward with the most popular famous WordPress blogging software- let’s learn how to set it up!
First things first, install WordPress. Log into WordPress, and even it feels daunting at first look- don’t be scared. It is pretty easy, and a little hands-on experience will make you an expert in no time. Mainly, there are four areas that you need to explore-posts, pages, appearances, and Plugins.
So, what are you waiting for? Customize and optimize your blog website and make it user friendly.

Making things easier is done by plugins. What are plugins? Plugins are pre-written scripts that automate and enhance the functionality of your site.
As a beginner, you need to have the primary two plugins- Yoast Seo and Google Analytics. While the former helps you with SEO or Search Engine Optimization, the latter allows you to track and monitor your blog traffic.
These two are mandates, the rest of the plugins can be installed as per your requisites. Also, make sure not to add a plethora of plugins as too many cooks spoil the brat. Simply- it makes your website slow.
If you have come this far- you are ready to conquer the world. So, now start writing compelling, engaging, and useful blogs as per your chosen niche. Do thorough research on the trending topics and specifically-keywords.

Start writing and typing the rhetorical and impactful blog. Add images, alt tags, Meta tags, and do the SEO part duly. And your blog post is active to sizzle.
Thereafter publishing your posts, don’t forget to promote and promulgate your posts on other social media channels.
Wish you all the luck with your fruitful blog.
This brings the end of this Blog. Thanks for reading. We really appreciate your time.
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Zigya Academy