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Posts published by “Suraj Kumar”

उमाशंकर जोशी – छोटा मेरा खेत – बगुलों के पंख

Suraj Kumar 1

बीसवीं सदी की गुजराती कविता और साहित्य को नई भंगिमा और नया स्वर देने वाले उमाशंकर जोशी का जन्म सन् 1911 ई. में गुजरात में हुआ। उमाशंकर जोशी का साहित्यिक…

सूर्यकांत त्रिपाठी निराला – बादल राग कविता

Suraj Kumar 0

सूर्यकांत त्रिपाठी निराला जी का जन्म बंगाल के मेदिनीपुर जिले में सन् 1897 में हुआ था। इनके पिता पं रामसहाय त्रिपाठी उत्तर प्रदेश में उन्नाव जिले के रहने वाले थे। घर…

हरिवंश राय बच्चन – कवि परिचय : आत्म-परिचय और एक गीत

Suraj Kumar 2

हालावादी कवि के रूप में प्रतिष्ठित हरिवंशराय  बच्चन का जन्म 27 नवम्बर 1907 ई. को इलाहाबाद (उ., प्र.) में हुआ।  बच्चन जी को हिंदी में हालावाद (1932-1937) का सर्वश्रेष्ठ कवि कहा गया…

Why do stars twinkle?

Suraj Kumar 0

Why do stars twinkle? This is a very common question which arises in front of everyone.It may be asked by your children, student, or maybe it suddenly pops into your…

Study methodologies that are helpful for Class 11

Suraj Kumar 0

The board exams of Class 12 are known to be most crucial phase in a student’s life. The boards usually take away all the limelight. Most of the students take…

Make your mark in History

Suraj Kumar 0

Learning is intrinsic to every individual and is spontaneous. As the theory of Constructivism emphasizes, we learn as we go along. From a modern day perspective, this implies that if…

Planning for Competitive Exams? Study NCERT Books

Suraj Kumar 0

The world has become fiercely competitive due to rising population coupled with advancement in technology and automation that is gradually making humans or rather skillsets redundant faster than you can…

Top 10 tips to study Class 10 social science

Suraj Kumar 0

According to Merriam Webster dictionary, social science is a branch of science that deals with the institutions and functioning of human society and with the interpersonal relationships of individuals as…

Why having Maths as a subject makes sense

Suraj Kumar 0

Mathematics is an analytical subject. It is a compulsory subject in school up to class 10 in India. According to Merriam Webster dictionary, mathematics is the science of numbers and…

STEM: What’s the buzz about?

Suraj Kumar 0

Lately we hear a lot of talks and columns being written on STEM education. Before his term finished, Barrack Obama also came out with his views on STEM education as…

Shadow Education. A Boon or Bane?

Suraj Kumar 0

Shadow education, a widely used term to denote the private supplementary tutoring that mimics the school curriculum. The business of Shadow Education is booming with the rise of competition in…

Middle School Study Material

Suraj Kumar 0

A child’s learning starts from home. During the formative years, it is the home environment, parents and others. Later, once they enroll into school, teachers and friends add up to…

How to get hooked onto science

Suraj Kumar 0

 As a student nears the culmination of middle school, a prevailing concern amongst parents, acquaintances and teachers is the choice of stream that the person is likely to opt for…

Tips and Tricks to Learn Maths

Suraj Kumar 0

Mathematics is undoubtedly an important subject. It is critical for students to get the concepts right from the beginning since the subject builds on what is learnt in lower classes.…

How to do well in Mathematics Board Exams

Suraj Kumar 0

All of us have our own experiences of examinations. It brings back to the mind several anecdotes, both pleasant and some not so pleasant. Exams time is a very crucial…

5 Education Tech Trends: 2016

Suraj Kumar 0

The world is getting a digital makeover. The education sector is not far behind. New technologies are taking education to a whole new level. The Education industry 2016 has added…

Education key focus area in Nitish budget

Suraj Kumar 0

The Bihar  government has presented  an estimated  budget of Rs 1.44   lakh  Crore  for the 2016-17 fiscal, which  focused mainly  on education;  a sector that is  among Chief Minister  Nitish …